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Portable self-contained Lead 1010 table

Jul 18, 2022
Cartesian Style CNC
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I have a two car garage NOT devoted to 3d printing or CNC. I have set aside a space for my 3d printer and a place to store my portable CNC table. The reason it’s portable is so that I wheel and can use my Lead 1010 outside where it won’t make a mess in the garage. The table is self contained. It houses a vac system as well as my CNC tools and supplies.

OpenBuilds LEAD CNC Machine 1515 (60" x 60")

Sep 30, 2024
Build Progress
Build Complete!

It began with creating an extremely rigid axis that incorporates a multi C-Beam Linear Rail system as well as precision lead screws coupled with a tension system for the absolute maximum in performance.


Apr 26, 2024
Build Progress
Build Complete!

LEAD 1010 PLASMA Add-On is a great modification you can do for your LEAD 1010 to convert it into a metal cutting monster machine!

F-Ender-Plus 3D Printer

Sep 7, 2024
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

F-Ender-Plus its based on the Ender 3 Pro, but improved: CR-10 hotend, double gear extruder, double z-axis motor, bltouch incorporated, hotbed leveling improved strings kit. Most made using local vendor parts, and still I'm increasing my knowledge of how get better 3D printings by calibrating motors steps, leveling the hotbed and z-axis; using a 3mm thick glass...

LEAD CNC 1010 (40" x 40")

Nov 24, 2023
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The OpenBuilds Lead Machine takes us back to the roots of the OpenBuilds modular building system, and has proven itself as an adaptable design that can compete with any machine in its class!

1510 Workbee Modified

Jan 22, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Some of the things that I have done to my 1510 Workbee Installed Linear rails and bearing blocks with drawings. Installed Ops console Made conversion plates for extruded aluminum to casters Extended z axis travel by a couple inches with steel plates. As of now in the process of installing Lead screws across the 1500mm length.

Standalone Torch Height Controller for CNC Plasma Cutting

Mar 4, 2021
Plasma Cutter Builds
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Build Complete!

A Torch Height Controller helps improve plasma cut quality and can save a CNC Machine from crashing. This design doesn't require you to know electronics or need any custom circuits... Its plug and play! This is a COMPLETELY standalone controller with a built-in Driver powerful enough to run just about any stepper motor. (maybe a little to powerful for a NEMA17)

Large 'Double H-Bot' using Openbuilds 2040 v-slot

Sep 17, 2019
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The aim of this design is to build a simple, cost effective (under $1000) and relatively compact large volume (m3) 3D printer that will use a pellet extruder to create art/design objects using shredded recycled plastics.

Vulcan MAX

Feb 22, 2024
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

While mimicing the frame platform of the popular Crealiy CR-10 and Ender series, the Vulcan MAX overcomes design weaknesses in both printers. Chief improvements are a more stable, rigid mounting of the Z frame and Z gantry.

Rezo 1390 100W CO2 Laser

Jul 26, 2023
Laser Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This laser is a beast. Designed by Jonathan Frost, and built with 45x45mm aluminum for ultimate rigidity. It has a 4'x3' bed with a pass through that can be utilized to cut full 8x4' sheets of plywood, and has a motorized bed. Rēzo is not only faster and more capable than lasers like Thunder Lasers Nova 51 and Aeon Nova 10, but the final build costs are 40-60% less than said commercially available machines. Plans can be found at https://rezo1390.bigcartel.com/product/rezo-1390-plans

Sphinx 66

Apr 17, 2023
Build Progress
Build Complete!

A Sphinx Linear rail build (600mm x 600mm) hence the title Sphinx66. Plates supplied by Chris Laidlaw. Linear rails used MGN15

Lead 1515 tilting table and vertical table accessory

Feb 23, 2024
Build Progress
Build Complete!

I wanted a CNC machine that was able to do dovetails and other box joints. I also wanted to have it be able to tilt so it would take up less space when I was working on other projects.

Sphinx 55

Feb 10, 2021
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

A Sphinx build to inspire and encourage all those who want to get started with cnc to check out Opensbuilds line of machine bundles and hardware.

High Z Mod for Lead CNC

Oct 28, 2019
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The High Z modification for the LEAD CNC brings your creative capabilities to new heights! With 8" of clearance this modification can be adapted easily to your existing LEAD CNC Router.

300mm Diameter, 1 Meter tall, Delta 3d Printer

Jan 14, 2018
Delta Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

I built a custom delta using 3, 1000 mm long C-Beam® Linear Rails and 3 C-Beam Gantry Sets. I had the bottom and top plates water jetted ( for accuracy ) out of 1/2 inch aluminum, from a design that I did in Fusion 360.

Sphinx 1050

Dec 4, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is going to be a Sphinx 1050 build. Starting off as a stock kit build using industrial electronics and opensource control software. Mods and upgrades to follow.

M4: 1510SS Heavy Mk.I

Aug 22, 2020
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A 1500x1200mm, 20mm rail and 1610 ballscrew, heavy-duty, four-axis gantry machine. As high speed as spindle power MRR will allow for. Approx 4 x 3 x 1ft travels, intermediate size between benchtop and floor-scale units. Aiming at $10-15k machine in the $3k region.


Nov 18, 2022
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

OLD Lead 1010 High Z Mod converted to Newest Lead 1515 with High Z mod, slimmer cbeam motor mounts, thrust bearings etc. Extended by original table out and upgraded my 1.5kw VFD and Spindle to 4kw ER20 Spindle and 7.5kw GT VFD

Sphinx 55 on MGN12 linear rails

Sep 8, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

My machine is a combination of the Openbuilds Sphinx 55, MGN12 linear rails knockoffs and custom made plates made by Chris Laidlaw

Travel Printer

Jun 9, 2022
Polar Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Build using standard parts as much as possible, Open Builds etc. To keep printer usable for more materials will be trying a heated bed with rotary elec union for the thermistor and power.

FlashPoint CNC v1: 500mm x 1000mm 3-Axis CNC Router

Jan 13, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

My build is based on many different builds but pieced together into a unit specifically to suit my needs. The footprint, without motors, is around 500mm x 1000mm with a gantry height of around 250mm. I used a combination of C-Beam, for the linear transmission, and V-Slot for the base and gantry supports. Forged angle connectors were used for attachment and I utilized the C-Beam gantry cart kits with anti-backlash blocks for both Y axes, the X axis, and Z axis.

C-Beam XXLarge "Tank"

Jan 14, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is a modified build C-Beam XLarge. 1000mm C-Beam used for X and Y axis, and the Y Axis moves the X bridge, not the material being worked.

CubeFoot CNC

May 8, 2014
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This small desktop machine is built inside a 300mm cube of 20mm extrusion. Work area is 14cm by 14cm. I used 400 step nema17 motors all around.

OpenPull From CNC Kitchen.. attempt

Feb 20, 2022
Everything Else
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Build in Progress...

This project is a Pull tester for material testing or structural testing with stress (force) data logging, I don't have plans for strain logging but that might be down the road.

ME - Cloner 3d printer

Feb 17, 2022
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I decided to start designing this printer, this will be my solution for a more rugged printer that you can use as workhorses...

OB Lead 1515 CNC Router 2021

Feb 14, 2022
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Building the OB Lead 1515 was straight forward. The on-line OpenBuilds assembly videos were extremely clear and easy to follow. Initial build of this machine is with OpenBuilds BlackBox which simplified getting the electronics to work the first time. OpenBuilds staff are friendly and helpful.

K40 upgrades

Jan 26, 2022
Laser Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Cheap chinese K40 laser upgrades, including 60x30cm working area, MKS or SKR controllerboard (smoothieware or marlin, not yet decided.) Light, psu and a bit more :)

LEAD 710 with High Z mod

Nov 14, 2021
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Overview of a 700mm x 1000mm machine based on the LEAD design and with the High Z mod from the start. Will have a parts list you can use to build yourself if you like the formfactor

Modified Sphinx 55 with MGN12 linear rails

Aug 2, 2020
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Inspired by previous Sphinx builds by Sorin (w/ MGN Rails) and Kenneth's witthuhnCNC XKLBR-1S. I wanted to create a desktop unit that kept a minimal profile and neatly contained the PS, Controller, and all wiring, making it a singular unit that could be easily transportable (as it will be doing double duty at my home and at work)

Beamlazer Laser cutter CO2 100W

Jan 4, 2020
Laser Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Hi everyone, im new to the world of lasercutters but i have been granted access for a Trotec laser for a while with old firmware and only compability trought Windows XP. Then i decided to build my own laser, with some easier workflow and support for Windows 10. Since im still a student i have limited resources, so i will try too use scrap parts as much as possible. I will publish photos and updates during my build continously. Gladly taking advices from others.

INDY-TR12 CNC (12mm Diameter Lead Screws)

Jun 7, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

TR12x3 screws, M8 wheel sets, a draw built into the design, an electronics set built onto the kit, back brace to stop C-Beam twist.

1515 Deluxe

Apr 18, 2020
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Build features include a double c-beam gantry (bonded & mechanically fastened), linear x rails, custom gantry end plates, a custom linear rail & ballscrew Z axis, and custom lead screw tensioning plates. The primary goal was to remove twist from the 1500mm gantry & stiffen the Z axis.

Openbuilds rovo laser mini(오픈빌드)

Sep 16, 2015
Laser Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build Complete!

laser mini 20 * 40 OPENBUILDS base frame.(크기 412x455mm) laser mini 20*40 기본프레임입니다. 기존 여러부품을 사용한 제품보다 부품수를 줄이면서 최소한의 단가를 뽑을려고 디자인했습니다.. 기존대비 부품수 절반에 단가도 절반을 줄이면서 최적의성능을 내려합니다.

Lead 1010 Build - Anything but stock.

Feb 24, 2020
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is a lead 1010 build that I wanted to have a little fun with. I purchased the whole Lead 1010 kit, and felt like studying a few shortcomings of the original to see if I can improve it or just have some fun with it.

1250x1000 Build

Jan 9, 2020
Laser Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A new design of my based on a couple different machines I have seen both on openbuilds and youtube. In the end will have a and X/Y workspace of 1250mm x 1000mm and a Z axis range of about 200mm.

Acro 1010 with 10 watt Laser

Feb 5, 2020
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Built a 32"x40" ACRO Kit for my 10watt Endurance Laser. Put it in a stand alone clamshell cabinet, added a 340cfm 6" fan and variable speed switch for the fan. Using LIght Burn for my primary software. It seems to be work well.

Workbee 1010

Jan 11, 2020
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Hey all looking forward to sharing this build, I’ve learned a lot reviewing many of these great builds.

Barcelona Build

Dec 18, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This will be my second CNC build but this time a proper CNC not a small desktop model that I played with for a while to learn Gcode, It was great but now its time to start playing with the big boys and girls.


Sep 3, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Heavily upgrading my 1200x500 Shapeoko 2... ...er, wait, scratch that... Building an all new machine, roughly the same size, that should be more rigid than a Shapeoko 3!

Frezar - Desktop CNC

Nov 15, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a small desktop CNC inspired by the Mini OX project. It's designed with the nema 17 motors in mind. It's a 650mm x 500mm machine that it will be used to mill cast acrlic.

Fixed Gantry CNC Router with Old Industrial Supplies

Oct 8, 2019
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build Complete!

I got lucky enough to purchase aluminum extrusions and linear motion components (and nuts/bolts/etc) at scrap metal prices when a bunch of industrial automation equipment was decommissioned. The only problem is that the aluminum extrusions are not metric sizes... they are the 1.5"x3" 80/20 series. It has presented a few challenges but nothing too bad.

Hyatt and My Journey to Tonehenge

Dec 1, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I'm conducing guitar loudspeaker cabinet fabrication technique research (material type/thickness, mechanical joints, adhesives, etc) and how these relate to cabinet/speaker coupling and enclosure resonance with respect to psycho-acoustics. Basically, does one speaker cab sound better than another and why?

"Stung by the Bee" OB Workbee 1010 Build

Oct 4, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This will be a build Log for my Open Builds Workbee 1010 Build. I will keep a full descriptive log of the build and make any notes in the hope that it will help other builders that decide they would like to build this machine.

CoreXY 3D build one

Sep 20, 2019
Build Progress
Build Complete!

an 8020 build with 1010 extrusion (1") Square tubing Rough size is 24x24x36 (600x600x900) The expected usable print area 21.5x21.5X32"roughly (510x510x760) An XY 3D printer with 3 extruders and 3 Z-axis 0.9 degree motors the table (Z-AXIS) will lift up to the XY Carriage on 3 12mm linear rod and 3 8mm Lead screw's Corexy designs complete and Z-axis build is started don’t have a 3D cad system yet so building my prototypes on a pcb layout tool

Openbuilds C-beam

Nov 22, 2017
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a build supported by Ooznest by a team of girls in Year 8 (12/13 years old) to machine model F1 cars for the F1 in Schools competition.

Rawcnc 1.5 Desktop Edition

Jul 11, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This will showcase the build of my Rawcnc 1.5. A rigid cnc router from the Swedish company Rawcnc, featuring a rather cool linear motion system, rack & pinion and steel reinforced X-axis capable of milling aluminum.

Black out Edition Workbee 1010

Nov 28, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Thanks to all the Open Build elves that meticulously package and wrap all the little tiny parts and pieces. I have put in a request to get you people a raise..

Clear Acrylic Dust Shoe

Mar 17, 2019
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Attaches router with screw clamping. Clear Skirt is 2" long or can be made longer if requested. Works well keeping dust within the chamber. It can be made to fit shapeoko, ox cnc, workbee, xcarve, 6040, laguna,piranha, millright etc. with similar setup including Bosh, Makita , dewalt 611 routers or spindles.

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