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Build Author cdsmith12 Views 26088
The Plastic Beast CoreXY Printer
In my opinion, this is the easiest and most complete tutorial to walk you through building a large platform 3D printer and the Sketchup File is included for you to make any changes needed.. The Plastic Beast is a CoreXY Printer with a build platform of 440mm square. You can print 600mm or about 23 inches diagonal. Any level of user from novice to expert should gain something from my tutorial.
Build Author deltajegga Views 8619
THE delta
probably as big as you'd want it...
Build Author Indieflow Views 111241
Indie i2
A lightweight, portable, accurate 3D Printer that has a good sized print area and small overall footprint that is easy to build, with easy to source components. The design is OpenSource allowing those with the capability to make their own parts get up and running.
Progetto di un laser CO2 da 50w Autocostruito, con scheda di controllo MKS Sbase v.1.3 Firmware Smoothieware versione CNC Struttura realizzata con profili T-slot 20x20 e 20x40
Build Author Superslinky Views 8789
K40 Laser Build (Major Changes)
Major K40 Laser Mod
Build Author Joe F Views 7140
Rack and Pinion Cartesian Mill
This is a rework of a previous build I did on here, a mostly printed cartesian CNC. Initially intended to just be an update to that, but so many things changed including the linear motion and every single part has been modified significantly that I felt as though it deserved a whole new build.
Build Author Andrew Helsel Views 11210
MiniMill Smoothie
MiniMill with DW611 and SmoothieBoard 4x v1.1
Build Author Lasersc Views 9541
D&R Tiger Paw build combo
The Tiger Paw will be a 1000mm X 500mm Cartesian style CNC with the Minimill attached to the end. It is named the D&R Tiger Paw because my son, Daniel, and myself, Richard, will put this Tiger strong and fast machine together. Our goal is to have a Tiger strong build with a Paw print that wouldn’t take up a huge amount of space in our garage.
Build Author Lasersc Views 3999
The D & R TigerPaw Trilogy
Hopefully this will be a quick guide to one way that you can add a laser to an existing CNC router.
SMD Pick and place machine - Smoothieboard/OpenPnp
A dual head PNP machine that uses Openbuilds hardware, a Smoothieboard controller, dual camera vision, automatic/drag feeders, and OpenPnp.
Rigidbot Big with glass bed
Started with a Rigidbot Big Added a single flat glass bed Used a Smoothieboard clone driving DRV8825
Build Author Gooshpoo Views 8134
Gooshpoo's H style cnc machine
A cool project about my cnc machines unique style.
Build Author dmasters Views 7507
DM C-Beam XXL Tank
1000mm x 1000mm C-Beam XXL CNC with external drivers and high torque Nema 23 motors, 2.2KW Spindle with VFD.
OX CNC Build
OX CNC built using the kit from SMW3D with a Smoothieboard 5 and external motor drivers.
Build Author CubeSpawn Views 18560
CubeSpawn Ultimaker 3D Printer Module
This 3D printer is an implementation of the Ultimaker 3D printer Using the Modular approach, many of the parts from the CubeSpawn 3 axis mill translate straight across into this design, so adding new concepts should go quicker
Build Author J-Wahl Dezign Views 10242
My little monster
Modified Tevo
Build Author jjcolletta Views 10382
First 3d build
I am building a simple home brewed printer. I have a background in industrial automation so I figured how hard could this be. The mechanical build was pretty smooth as was the electrical side. Now just getting plastic out the hotend is my stopping point.
Voxel OX Based Build
Building upon the great work done by Marshall Peck and others. I have started a new build.
Build Author J-Wahl Dezign Views 8332
1.4 meter tall build height, 300x410mm build plate cartesian
The original plan was to build a 3d printer with a 1200x1200 build platform with a 600mm build height. I was having issues getting ahold of a large enough borosilicate glass plate for the build so I decided to go for build height. I plan on using a smoothieboard for the controller. The build has currently slowed down. I was removing a broken drillbit from the linear rail mount, and it shattered and took out my eye. I am doing what I can when I can focus my eyes long enough for the build.
Build Author Maxime Favre Views 8648
SmoothiebrainZ CBeam Machine
Modded Plate maker with: Smoothiebrainz board and DQ542MA SN04 Endstops Modded Z axis Aluminium build plate and renforced Y axis Dust shoe
Build Author Fabio Bertuzz Views 3632
DutziDelta RepStrap
Fascinated for some time by 3D Printing. Now, after studying countless forum posts, blogs and similiar stuff, i want to Start with my own build. Maybe a bit much but usually i thrive with the challenge.
Build Author CubeSpawn Views 14930
CubeSpawn 3 Axis Mill Module
Small Form factor based 3 axis Gantry style mill, Removeable mechanical module. Removable Electronics. with a removable machine pallet, for automation.