Presenting ME - Cloner cartesian style 3d printer
Passionate about ME-mini and ME-Laser CNC designs i decided to start designing this printer, this will be my solution for a more rugged printer that you can use as workhorses...
Controller board
- Print area 235 x 235 x 205 mm
- Total size of 415 x 480 x 415 mm
- 3.5 touch screen display
- Removable sheet metal table covered with PEI for easy part removal
- Board Makerbase MKS-Robin-Nano-V3 with silent TMC2209 drivers
For the board I decided to use the Robin nano V3, if you know previous versions of this board the upgrade changes are quite large, including upgrading the MCU to the M4 core, and adding support for USB disk.
For more information about this board you can consult the official page Makerbase as well as the page GitHub.
If you want to buy this board please use my affiliate link, it helps my project a lot - Link to AliExpress
Touch screen display model
For display use the MKS TS35 V2.0 is a 3.5 IPS resistive touch screen...
For more information about this board you can consult the official page Makerbase as well as the page GitHub.
If you want to buy this board please use my affiliate link, it helps my project a lot - Link to AliExpress
3D model and Bill of materials
If you're thinking about building your own ME - Cloner you can find everything you need on my web site iFixGadget/ME-Cloner, I'll leave the link to the 3D model I made in Sketchup as well as the BOM list and parts for 3D printing.
If you don't have a 3D printer you can use your favorite 3D printing service or, I also provide a 3D printing service which also helps a lot with my projects, you can use the links on this site to contact me.
Complete 3D Sketchup Model: iFixGadget Store or Etsy Store
Serviço de impressão 3D: iFixGadget Store
To download the STL files go to ME - Cloner 3D Printer by EdgarMata or PrusaPrinters
Warning, Note that all the content here is work that is still in development and can be changed without prior notice, so proceed at your own risk...
If you like my work please consider sending me a beer
Legal notice
All content of the ME-Cloner project is licensed in accordance with the license Creative Commons-Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
Project: ME - Cloner
Autor: Edgar Mata
License Summary |See Legal Text
ME - Cloner 3d printer
Build in 'Cartesian Style Bots' published by Edgar Mata, Feb 17, 2022.
I decided to start designing this printer, this will be my solution for a more rugged printer that you can use as workhorses...
- Build Progress:
- Build in Progress...
Build Author Edgar Mata, Find all builds by Edgar Mata
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Build Details
- Build License:
- CC - Attribution NonCommercial - Share Alike - CC BY NC SA
Reason for this Build
I wanted to design my own prusa... -
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