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Build Author David E. Flores E. Views 590
F-Ender-Plus 3D Printer
F-Ender-Plus its based on the Ender 3 Pro, but improved: CR-10 hotend, double gear extruder, double z-axis motor, bltouch incorporated, hotbed leveling improved strings kit. Most made using local vendor parts, and still I'm increasing my knowledge of how get better 3D printings by calibrating motors steps, leveling the hotbed and z-axis; using a 3mm thick glass...
Build Author Keith Davis Views 21877
Vulcan MAX
While mimicing the frame platform of the popular Crealiy CR-10 and Ender series, the Vulcan MAX overcomes design weaknesses in both printers. Chief improvements are a more stable, rigid mounting of the Z frame and Z gantry.
ME - Cloner 3d printer
I decided to start designing this printer, this will be my solution for a more rugged printer that you can use as workhorses...
Build Author reef Views 10663
CNC Cyclone PCB Factory, my way, step by step.
I'd like to renew my cnc for PCB so I decide to create new one from an existing project named Cyclone PCB Factory.
Build Author Kevr102 Views 4785
Ooznest Ox CNC 1000 x 750
A few mods on my Ooznest supplied Ox cnc Encountered a few minor issues along the way but now all sorted.
Build Author Rodrigo Gonzalez Views 3007
The user will input a selection from a variety of pre-established drinks. The user will not need a glass, since it will be provided in the automation process. This completely eliminates the need for a bartender if an RFID purchase system is implemented.
Build Author Rural Views 24470
Mechanically, a scaled up OX build (1500x1500). Electronically, GRBL on an Arduino and a gShield. From a software perspective, the focus is on useable open source software tool chains.