hi does openbuilds have to be connected to control box in order to simulate the gcode ? thank you Steve
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Hi Everyone, I am a newbie on the open builts and trying to automate a NEMA17 linear actuator bundle with lead screw; my main goal is to automate with an ARDUINO + step motor drive a horizontal linear movement back and forth with a couple of limit switches; maybe even to vary the motor speed with the help of a potentiometer. Can I kindly have your feedback and direction as what components do I need?
Mark Fletcher Mark Fletcher I am about 7 days old in the CNC world. I am planning to build the 1515 Lead CNC. I have a few questions: 1. Will the structure support and operate correctly with a 2.2kw water cooled spindle? 2. If not how detailed can a router be? 3. I will not need a speed machine but I do want an accurate and precise machine. Any help would be nice. Thanks Mark Fletcher.
Hi Mark, Welcome to the rabbit hole! :) The open-CNC world is very exciting! 1) I don't use a Lead 1515 in my shop but a custom build which is quite similar. To support a 80mm 2.2kW spindle you need a proper spindle mount. I use this one currently: https://www.rovercnc.com/collections/cnc-machine-components/products/80mm-spindle-mount
You may have to make an adapter plate to interface it correctly, but this mount is the one we use. The structure should support it well. Our 2nd shop CNC is an older OX build and also uses a 2.2kW 80mm spindle. 2) & 3) The precision of the Lead 1515 shouldn't be affected by the heavier spindle as long as your stepper motors have enough torque.
You can use high inductance NEMA 23 motors if you care less about speed and want more holding torque at the lower end of the speed range. In my experience the real-world precision is determined by the software, no-backlash in the lead-screws, and available torque. 0.01mm cutting accuracy is attainable depending on your CAM. More if you tools are sharp and you run "spring" (repeat finishing passes) on parts. Alex
Hi Alex. I hope it's OK to contact you re OpenBuilds, sketchup and plug-ins. I am completely lost trying to get the plug in to show up, & appear on sketchup make 2017 (free version). I'm trying to create G-code for my model to run a CNC milling machine. I can't find anything newer than 2013 & being on a Mac, none of the instructions make sense, being for windows. Any help would be great. Ron 647 528 3548, Toronto
Hi Ron, Sorry I didn't reply earlier, I'm afraid I don't have any experience with Sketchup! I run TinyG controller with Chilipeppr interface with fusion360 CAD on PC. Hope you get it working.
I just bought a LEAD 1010 with the black box and i love it. I'd like to be able to turn on my router as well as my shop vac with the software. Is there a way I can do this?
Checkout https://docs.openbuilds.com/blackbox/#331-dewalt611iot.html You can connect the vacuum to the second port so it starts whenever the router starts
Hi, who could I ask for help with my X-Pro board V2? Not touched the router for over a year but now that I try, the board seems to communicate ok but it will not operate the steppers?
You may want to post here https://openbuilds.com/forums/controller-boards.28/ and tag @Spark Concepts
@flyingDutchman Possibly be due to belt tension or possibly the steps/mm setting is slightly off. Even 0.05mm off makes a big difference.
I'm converting the file to Grbl(mm) gcode format. I sometimes wonder if there is a problem with the format?
Hi Alex, I have used my Ox router on some small projects but I consistently get problems with more complicated ones. When attempting to route a Celtic Weave (from Aspire) I get slippage, apparently from 1 pass to the next, ie material is routed away where it should be retained. What could be happening?