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Arizona OpenBuilds MiniMill CNC

Jan 1, 2018
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build Complete!

I ordered the OpenBuilds MiniMill from the OpenBuilds Parts Store http://openbuildspartstore.com/ They were out of Motors and Electronics when I ordered so I had to source these items elsewhere. But it turned out well doing it this way.

CoreXY - Tower Printer

Jan 5, 2018
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build Complete!

I wanted to try a different way of operating the Z Axis so I setup a tower using 40x40. In the end it worked excellently and can easily print 60mm/s with 150mm/s travels. The coreXY is a very cool kinematic, and you can get some pretty great speed and accuracy. The main issue is the fact your Steps/mm are doubled, so the lower end motors don't like it at high speeds.

MQTitan printer

Jan 9, 2018
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Components- RAMPS, running marlin, Nema 17, All metal extruder, 600mm lead screws, 600mm 2020 aluminum extrusions, 12v 30a power supply, 12v LED strip, Typical endstops, 600mm 8mm linear rods, Bearing block for 8mm bearings, Openbuilds plates, wheels, and bearings, 500x500mm borosilicate glass plate

Gantry CNC - Decisions made only to change over and over.

Jan 11, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is my first CNC build. As per the norm, I went in with months of research, planning, and resource gathering tied neatly together with a solid plan. As the path went on, the plan continued to change to accommodate issues I hadn't counted on. But, at the end of the road, the project reached completion, and I learned a ton along the way!


Feb 4, 2018
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The user will input a selection from a variety of pre-established drinks. The user will not need a glass, since it will be provided in the automation process. This completely eliminates the need for a bartender if an RFID purchase system is implemented.

One more life for a cube

Feb 4, 2018
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Modify a Gen1 Cube printer into a small cnc router to cut pcbs and light (VERY light) milling work. Also easy to swap out the rotary head and mount a laser head for engraving.

OffAxis CNC 1000x1500

Mar 1, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Cut Area: 825 x 1340. Max Cutting depth: 2 inches. Arduino based control with Nema 23 and Nema 17 drive. 8mm leadscrew and 2GT belt drive. 400W 48V quite cut spindle.

CNC/3DPrint/Laser/Mill (formerly CNC-inator3000)

Mar 5, 2018
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Ultimately - the design is based on the highly successful Ultimaker concept, for which a regular size costs in the thousands, and one of this size would be edging into the 10's of thousands. Expected Build cost - <$800 It is a X/Y Cartesian printer with Raising/Lowering Z axis (Hotbed.) - Overall size is 610mm x 610mm x 750mm - with build volume of around 450mmx450mmx450mm - and will also have the ability to change work tools - such as for CNC Routing, Lazer etching, 3d Scanning, etc.

Small PCB, Engraving and Delrin CNC Mill

Feb 28, 2018
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is my first attempt at building a spindle based CNC machine. The intention is to mill PCB boards and mill delrin blocks. The device was built with an Emergency Stop that actually cuts power to the spindle and motors. This is a post build write-up and consists of finished photo compilation and CAD renderings.

WorkBee 750x750 build

Apr 19, 2018
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This CNC build is to help with some areas of my guitar builds - mainly inlays but some body work as well where appropriate. I expect it will be used for lots of other things once I get to know what it's capable of (sorry - what I'm capable of!).

Fixed Gantry CNC Router with Old Industrial Supplies

Oct 8, 2019
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build Complete!

I got lucky enough to purchase aluminum extrusions and linear motion components (and nuts/bolts/etc) at scrap metal prices when a bunch of industrial automation equipment was decommissioned. The only problem is that the aluminum extrusions are not metric sizes... they are the 1.5"x3" 80/20 series. It has presented a few challenges but nothing too bad.

C-Beam - Sphinx 1000x1000mm inspired by Kyo

Feb 23, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A stable CNC Router that allows me to cut and carve bigger Parts. The Machine is an original Build from Kyo's Sphinx CNC Machine. Thanks for the great Work and the Effort Kyo. Your Files and Lists helped me a lot to build that Sphinx 1x1m.

"AcroCadabra" My Acro Laser built with my C-Beam XL

May 1, 2022
Laser Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Well I built a C-Beam XL around a year ago, I am still learning things as I make stuff with it, it has been quite a wonderful learning experience. Now I have gained enough confidence and knowhow to Mill the required Plates to build an Acro Laser System using the Acro Laser Sketchup Model. I have pulled the Model apart in Sketchup, isolated the Plates and generated the G-Code to cut/Mill the plates. I have used Sketchucam to generate the G-Code. I Use Mach3 on my C-Beam XL to Mill.

Joe's Minimill Build

Mar 19, 2018
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build Complete!

I put this together to cut aluminum. Chips get everywhere! Cover your lead screws. Put the mill inside an enclosure. DON'T mount electronics (especially the power supply) inside the enclosure, chips will get into it and short it out. Remove the manual jog wheels, they contribute to chatter (something about having a mass on the end of the lead screw causes vibration). I cut at 14000 RPM, 0.05 inch width of cut, 0.05 inch depth of cut, 30 inches per minute and just barely avoid chatter.

Affordable Cartesian Printer (Initial Design)

Sep 17, 2018
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This specific build page is a collection of screenshots sampling some of my initial SolidWorks design and pictures showing physical construction of the initial design. I will be creating individual build articles as I redesign, test, and implement new aspects of the printer.

Fourth Axis Mill Prototype

Mar 6, 2018
Other Lathe Build
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I really like the 4th axis I purchased a few years back, but when I went looking for it again the suppliers who once carried it no longer do. Anyone know who makes it? Center hole receives collets. I own a ShopSmith so I am using a 5/8th rod and can mount it's chucks onto this machine. Also I like the use of the skateboard wheels, they are adjustable and one could use more sets over a longer axis. The Sherline z-axis is not my first choice, I just had a spare.

BinaryConstruct V3

Mar 2, 2018
X/Y Table Style Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This printer is a design that has evolved over three years. The original goals of this project were to design a rigid printer that had a large print volume, 300mm^3, with easily sources parts and a minimum of complicated printed parts.

Live C-Beam Build @ MRRF2018

Mar 26, 2018
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Contained within are links to our OpenBuilds sponsored C-beam Machine live build taking place at MRRF 2018 (Midwest Reprap Festival) on March 24 and 25, 2018. There will also be some build images and a few 3D printed STL items that were added.

Voxel Evolution

Jul 4, 2018
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a remix of Marshal Peck's Voxel OX, with some design tweaks inspired by Makerparts and jjcolletta. It has a build area of 300mm X 300mm X 480mm, but is easily configured for just about any build area up to 500mm X 500mm X 750mm. I have used some laser cut acrylic plates and a couple of 3D printed parts in its construction, however it can be assembled using nothing but OpenBuilds parts with the exception of the heated bed and the Y axis carrier for the heated bed.

1075 Sphinx

Jul 2, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

My first attempt at building a CNC. I chose the Sphinx due to ease of build and extensive documentation provided by Kyo.

Coined by my family as the: Davomatic

Aug 12, 2018
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Build Notes: Here are all the parts necessary to re-produce this design. Please note, all of the parts are either sourced through openbuilds or have been selected and printed from thingiverse.

Nema 23 Belt and Pinion Actuator

Aug 20, 2024
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This easy to build and effective system can take your builds to the next level! This design is strong and accurate and could be the solution/upgrade that you've been looking for!

Design and Performance Evaluation of A Large FDM 3D Printer

Nov 2, 2018
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This build includes the design of a large FDM 3D printer. This machine has a 796mm by 796mm by 900mm (LxWxH) build volume. Motion is controlled by servo motors and the printer runs on python-based marlin firmware.

The Domino - 1.5m x 1m

Oct 27, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

DIY scratch build consisting of gas pipe, skate bearings, 12mm birch, 3/4 maple v-core ply, Nema 23's, and arduino and CNC shield with DRV8825's.


Nov 1, 2018
Build Progress
Build Complete!

A slightly more than one half cubic meter 3D Printer using V Rails, V Rollers, "C" Rail, mounting plates, and a bunch of 3D printed brackets to provide strength and stability to the frame. Rigidity was the goal and precision and accuracy the result. The software is a whole other topic, many weeks spent dialing that in to make the printer print.

Brice's CNC Router Build

Dec 1, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

I'm building a CNC router for a long time. Here's the result on this long journee. I tried to do my best with the basic tools I have. Don't hesitate to ask if you have questions.

Sphinx 1050

Dec 4, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is going to be a Sphinx 1050 build. Starting off as a stock kit build using industrial electronics and opensource control software. Mods and upgrades to follow.

Sphinx 1050

Dec 4, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Openbuilds 1050 Sphinx. Thank you to Mark Carew for trading me a set of plates for a spindle and PSU I was not using. Mark is a champ!

Ball Trajectory Machine

Nov 23, 2018
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Need to build a machine that accurately positions objects for processing by a computer vision algorithm? Here is an example of a machine that does that for a ball trajectory application. The black anodized V-rails work well for applications in optics and imaging where the machine needs to stay out of the limelight.


Nov 23, 2018
Laser Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build Complete!

300x300 belt drive laser etching/cutting platform. The design was borrowed from another's blog and customized to fit materials on-hand. Was a very fun project to assemble.

Sphinx 55 with 3D Printed Addons

Feb 3, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is a build log of the Openbuilds Sphinx 55 with some 3D printed parts for the electronics and probably other parts as they come up.

Hyatt and My Journey to Tonehenge

Dec 1, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I'm conducing guitar loudspeaker cabinet fabrication technique research (material type/thickness, mechanical joints, adhesives, etc) and how these relate to cabinet/speaker coupling and enclosure resonance with respect to psycho-acoustics. Basically, does one speaker cab sound better than another and why?

C-Beam Sphinx

Dec 1, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is the original C-Beam Sphinx with the 16 wheel X gantry plates. I'm using the Ethernet Smoothstepper, Gecko G540 stepper driver and Mach 4 for motion control.

CNC Coating Machine

Dec 1, 2018
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The purpose of this machine is to mix two parts of conformal coating with different viscosity in exactly 1:1 ratio and distribute the fluid on to PCB to seal and make it waterproof.

Gluing frame for guitar tops and backs

Dec 25, 2018
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I have built four of these frames. The first pictured I have been using for maybe a year or two and bought the clamps. The last three I have made I have built my own clamps with openbuild parts. I am still working on the design. At present I use wedges to apply pressure to the side of the wood and block. I am working on a cam system to apply pressure. I just bought 8mm screws with Knobs for quicker adjustment. I will update the build when I make these improvements.

Workbee "style" 1010 cnc

Feb 12, 2019
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This build is based on the Workbee 1010 CNC. It is not a kit build and is much the same as the original but with some significant changes made here and there as the build progresses.

the Feedback Fractal project

May 17, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The Story of the Scecina Memorial High School 1510 BUILD will unfold through a series of 10 minute Episodes. Each episode will consist of video showing how to assemble some aspect of the 1510 overlaid with a discussion about Technology, Art, Philosophy... and Life the Universe and Everything. Episode two is soon to follow. If sufficient interest ensues, the episodes may continue beyond the building of the 1510 to relate its use in the making of the Art.

Bee the Boss

Jun 2, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The frame of the CNC is going to to Bee a basic Work Bee with maybe 1 modification to the spoil board attachment. This will be located on a custom bench housing the electronics and vacuum. I plan to install Stepper online steppers, drivers, power supplies, and break out board. I will add a 1.5 KW water cooled spindle, with a radiator. The fans from the radiator will pull air from a filtered enclosure for all the electronics.

Mushu - Large Scale CoreXY

May 6, 2019
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

20x26x28 inch Build Volume CoreXY. Unlike many builds, I've decoupled the XY movements from the Z-Axis lead screws to help prevent Wobble, will be using linear guide rails, and mains powered bed heater, and a bed that is Allowed to thermally grow. This build is JUST narrow enough to fit through a standard sized doorway.

South Carolina Workbee 1000X1000

Jun 8, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is about my build of a Workbee 1000X1000 being built here in Trenton, SC. My goal is to use it to help cut the new panel for my RV6A airplane.

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