Build objective is to maximize build area (XY) without reducing precision and reliability. Build dimensions are 36" (X-axis) x 36" (Y-axis) x 6" (Z-axis). X and Z axes are integrated by fastening gantry plates together and intended to remain fixed to a workbench or frame for maximum rigidity (Currently installed onto my custom built workbench). Y axis is built similar to C-Beam machine, but inverted such that the drive screw is shielded from dust and cuttings. Additional 20x40 linear rails with Mini V Gantry sets are used as support wings to balance the build plate along cut line.
Control box is built to minimize and simplify connection points. The 18"x7"x3" box houses the 600W 24V power supply, BeagleBone Black with CRAMPS cape and 3x (up to 6x) Pololu DRV8825 Stepper Drivers. Connections for each axis include motor and max/min limit switches which are all pre-wired inside the box and output to a single Aviation-style 16-8 (8-pins) connector. A 5V/10A regulator/converter is used to step down power from the 24V power supply for auxiliary use and run the BeagleBone Black.
Additional recommendations:
LinuxCNC: LinuxCNC
Autodesk Fusion 360: Cloud Powered 3D CAD/CAM Software for Product Design | Fusion 360
CRAMPS BeagleBone Black Cape: CRAMPS - RepRapWiki
BeagleBone Black MachineKit (LinuxCNC for BBB): Machinekit • Moves. Controls. Things.
Inverted Y C-Beam Machine
Build in 'X/Y Table Style CNC Mill' published by bpatterson42, Feb 19, 2018.
Similar to C-Beam Machine build, but with inverted Y-axis assembly to shield drive screw. Integrated XZ gantry can be fixed to any solid surface. Build dimensions are 36" x 36" x 6".
- Build Progress:
- Build in Progress...
MaryD likes this. -
Build Author bpatterson42, Find all builds by bpatterson42
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Build Details
- Build License:
- CC - Attribution Share Alike - CC BY SA
Inspired by
C-Beam Machine; TZ C-Beam Machine Plate Maker -
Parts list
Qty Part Name Part Link Comments 2 1020-BUNDLE C-Beam Bundle - 1000mm w motor Link X and Y axes 1 1010-BUNDLE C-Beam Bundle - 250mm w motor Link Z axis 1 215-LP V-Slot 20x40 x 1500mm Linear Rail Link Y axis support wings 4 1185-Set Link Bearings Carriages for Y axis support wings 1 Metal 8 pin GX16-8 Aviation Connector Set - 5pk Link Connects Motor & Limit Switches in each connector; requires soldering 3 10mmx20mmx1m Drag Chain Link Cheap, OK quality Igus-style Chain 1 1/4-20 EZ Lok Threaded Inserts - 100pk Link General use for assembly/disassembly with wood frame 1 M5 x 20mm (Length may Vary) Flat Hd Screws - 100pk Link Mount Y-Plate to Y-axis and Support Wings 2 M5 Tee Nuts - 25pk Link Mount Y-Plate to Y-axis and Support Wings 1 Roller Lever Micro Limit Switch - 10pk Link 1 CRAMPS Stepper Driver Controller BeagleBone Cape Link Stepper Driver Controller system - Max 6 axis, Heater Bed Ready 3 DRV8825 Stepper Driver Link Check these out over "standard" Pololu A4988 1 BeagleBoneBlack RevC Link Use Image for "quick" setup 1 MEAN WELL SE-600-24 Power Supply Link May be overkill for most applications 1 5V / 10A Power Converter/Regulator from 12/24V Link Used for 5V Auxiliary and BeagleBone Black Power -
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