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K40 upgrades

Jan 26, 2022
Laser Cutter Builds
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Cheap chinese K40 laser upgrades, including 60x30cm working area, MKS or SKR controllerboard (smoothieware or marlin, not yet decided.) Light, psu and a bit more :)

1250x1000 Build

Jan 9, 2020
Laser Cutter Builds
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A new design of my based on a couple different machines I have seen both on openbuilds and youtube. In the end will have a and X/Y workspace of 1250mm x 1000mm and a Z axis range of about 200mm.

Build #2 - Bigger & Stronger

Jan 11, 2018
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
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Large format CNC router with a 1500mm x 3000mm cutting envelope (5 x 10 ft) strong enough to cut wood and aluminum constructed from 20-series and 40-series aluminum extrusions. Complete Project Log w/ Pictures: https://goo.gl/photos/Co81AvGwVijE2zow9

1500x1000mm Adjustable Height

Jul 9, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
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I have the demand to cut/etch tall pieces of material. For this reason, I have designed a machine with 500mm uprights with adjustable gantry height. This way I can raise/lower the sled and z-axis as needed. I've also chosen to use a linear C-channel assembly for the Z axis with the plate mounted to the gantry instead of the other way around. This will allow for maximum range of the z-axis. The parts list/BOM does not include motors/belts/pulleys or electronics.

Need a catchy name - enlarging CNC

Mar 27, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
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The aim of this build is to have a CNC that can cut a FULL sheet of wood when I need it to, but also shrink down and cut smaller sheets the rest of the time. The prototype is based on an OX cnc but soon it will be completely custom using Openbuilds Parts

Little Big OX

Jun 5, 2014
Cartesian Style CNC
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A complete CNC newbie is tackling a mighty challenge, Not only is he making a CNC router, He's going to try and upsize it.

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