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Build Author Nicademus Views 8327
CNC/3DPrint/Laser/Mill (formerly CNC-inator3000)
Cartesian Style Bots
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Ultimately - the design is based on the highly successful Ultimaker concept, for which a regular size costs in the thousands, and one of this size would be edging into the 10's of thousands. Expected Build cost - <$800 It is a X/Y Cartesian printer with Raising/Lowering Z axis (Hotbed.) - Overall size is 610mm x 610mm x 750mm - with build volume of around 450mmx450mmx450mm - and will also have the ability to change work tools - such as for CNC Routing, Lazer etching, 3d Scanning, etc.
Screen Mesh Stretching
Everything Else
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The intention of this project is so that the mesh is on the well stretched frame, and thus there is a better production of frames.
Build Author rusirius Views 15661
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A CNC platform designed with swapable heads to do laser engraving/etching/cutting, routing and milling, as well as 3D printing.
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