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Small Portable PCB CNC Machine (CoreXY)

Jun 24, 2015
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is a small CNC mill/router specifically for manufacture PCBs. This is based on the corexy gantry setup. The plan is to have a small, light self-contained machine that can be used and easily but away when it's job is done.

Vertical Mill

Nov 22, 2017
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This will be a CNC milling machine. My goal is to make this mill for the minimum cost I can while not sacrificing quality. In hope of staring an educational YouTube channel on CNC milling and 3D Printing. Along with when to use both.

CubeSpawn Ultimaker 3D Printer Module

Sep 15, 2015
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This 3D printer is an implementation of the Ultimaker 3D printer Using the Modular approach, many of the parts from the CubeSpawn 3 axis mill translate straight across into this design, so adding new concepts should go quicker

Screen Mesh Stretching

Nov 10, 2017
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The intention of this project is so that the mesh is on the well stretched frame, and thus there is a better production of frames.

my version of xl

Nov 5, 2017
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A table top version of the open build xl router kit set build. This use of c - beam and xl kit set was coupled with Mach 3 controller running on Dell opti -plex 755 and win 7 pro licence. A Dell opti-plex 755 empty case was used to house the controls and wiring , including the limit switch and emergency stop safety circuits

RSW's 3D Printer Build

Mar 15, 2017
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I recently completed my C-Beam Plate Maker build ( http://www.openbuilds.com/builds/rsws-c-beam-build.4286/ ) and quickly got the build bug. I was looking for something to make with the new C-Beam and decided its time to venture into the 3D printer world. I can honestly say I have never been in the same room with a 3D printer, so this is going to be a learning experience. I spent some time browsing the 3D printer builds and finally decided to copy the Talos3D by AlexLee.

Mini D-Bot

Oct 30, 2017
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A smaller version of a standard D-bot. Smaller to fit better in my workable area and to fit my vision for the printer.

OX CNC Router

Jul 20, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Ca fait 2 ans que je rêve d'une Fraiseuse CNC. Ni trop grande ni trop petite, sans avoir le budget pour en acheter une toute faite. Je suis artisan menuisier ébéniste et j'ai finalement décidé de la construire. Le projet OX m'a séduit, alors je me lance.

Table saw fence and guide

May 5, 2017
Furniture Builds
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The idea was to build a proof of concept table saw fence similar to a thru-rip or accusquare fences which retail for 400$, with the added option to motorize the positioning.

UltiFaker 2 Go

Mar 21, 2016
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a breakdown of how I designed the UltiFaker 2 Go as well as how I machined and assembled it. I'll include a complete BOM and all of the drawings and prices.

Time Lapse Camera Rail

Nov 6, 2014
Camera Sliders - Rigs
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is my first go at building a simple Time lapse camera rail system using as much pre-existing hardware and software as I could.

Mobile bed cnc machine, first build

Sep 12, 2017
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Currently i am reworking the frame still with current available parts just going to buy material to make the y and the z axis from openbuilds. The x axis is now going to be mobile similar to a 3d printer style.


May 12, 2016
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is a design for a desktop CNC machine. It may be a router or laser. I am undecided as to the final design.

FFF 3D printer 2x2x2m

Apr 24, 2017
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The 3D printer will be able to print 2x2x2m components and not just in PLA or ABS. It's not just a DIY printer but I'm trying to apply engineering formulas to make it. I'm going to apply the state of art for 3D printing and scannering existing.

Warnke CNC Router

Sep 5, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

A blend of modular aluminum and steel bracketry built to yield fine cuts in hardwood and aluminum. An open table with a shiftable pin-fixture concept will allow the operator to shift longer than Y-travel work-pieces, such as doors, along the Y-axis of the table. This machine has a 44" (X) by 24" (Y) by 8" (Z) travel with water cooled VFD spindle motor, t-slot ext work table, cable carriers, side guards n dual y drives. Total weight (w/base-stand) is about 600lbs.

Modular Controller PCBs

Sep 3, 2017
Circuit - Software Project
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is a build still in the prototype stage. The initial design is being used to control a 4 axis sample change, but the PCBs when finalized will be able to be adapted as a convenient way to wire stepper (or eventually hybrid stepper) drivers to which ever controller you happen to be using. Current developments center around an Arduino Mega, although more interfaces are planned in the future. The main design centers around the use of Phoenix Connectors.

C beam Larger and Stronger

Sep 3, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

My first build based on the original C beam Sphinx. I’m not sure at this point what the final size will be. I have the parts from the c beam Sphinx and extra beams and lead screws to build up to 1000mm x 1000mm.

QuorXZ: A String-driven, Core XZ Printer

Aug 31, 2017
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The QuorXZ doesn't magically appear. It's gestation takes time, careful attention, and requires many parts. However, when it is ready, a magical, mechanical instrument is born....(and when you finally say its name, it sounds a little bit like "corks").

C Beam CNC+Laser

Aug 19, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

You will be following the assembly of the mechanical kit and how i integrate the electronics into the final build.

Mark 1

Jul 24, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

My first attempt at building a CNC style machine. Overall my plan is to use the PlanetCNC breakout board and software to run the machine from a dedicated laptop/tablet.

Stock CNC Router

Aug 11, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is my first CNC router, so be kind on the criticism. I'm still learning. Not an engineer, and not a machinist so I am having to research and learn aspect from both of those areas of study!


May 31, 2017
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A Large CoreXY build that can just barely get in through a doorway, aiming for under $1000. Build Volume approximately 18in x 24in x 26in.

C-Beam Machine XL

Feb 9, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Overview of my experience building the C-Beam Machine XL from OpenBuilds, along with updates as I move along and get it going. My application is for creating plates needed for lab functions, 19 rack bay covers, and whatever else arises.

Norm Inverted - Cartesian

Aug 2, 2017
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

As a tinkerer and hobbyist I need a reliable quality printer on a budget... Meaning I'm not looking to buy a: Prusa, Zortrax or LulzBot because of the added cost their marketing adds. I can definitely build a machine of hopefully equal quality at a lower cost that is not impacted by the marked-up priced from a large reputable manufacturer. I will need to dedicate time and more time for design shakedowns to ensure I produce a quality machine. Bare with me on this build... Thanks!

Sandy3D wall mounted 1000 mm x 1000 mm C Beam Mill

Jun 7, 2017
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I am attempting to mount The C-Beam Machine XLarge on the wall and have it look like a piece of art and be totally functional as this will be in our livingroom.

1500x1000mm Adjustable Height

Jul 9, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I have the demand to cut/etch tall pieces of material. For this reason, I have designed a machine with 500mm uprights with adjustable gantry height. This way I can raise/lower the sled and z-axis as needed. I've also chosen to use a linear C-channel assembly for the Z axis with the plate mounted to the gantry instead of the other way around. This will allow for maximum range of the z-axis. The parts list/BOM does not include motors/belts/pulleys or electronics.

C-Beam Machine upgrade to 1000mm x 1000mm

Mar 29, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This built is to convert an existing 500x500 C-Beam Machine into 1000x1000. Inspired by several builds including C-Beam Machine : (http://www.openbuilds.com/builds/c-beam%E2%84%A2-machine-plate-maker.2020/) and Gino's build : (http://www.openbuilds.com/builds/c-beam-gtc.3250/)

The Hoss

Apr 9, 2015
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The purpose of this build is to create a simple, strong modular build that is rugged enough to cut out some of the softer metals along with wood and plastics. Using basic parts like the universal plates, t-nuts and v- wheels coupled with the strength of C-Beam I am sure this will deliever the desired results!!

My Belt & Pinion Drive CNC Router

Aug 28, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

My CNC Router design and inspiration came from the Routy CNC project. I modified some of the aspects of the Routy build, but left the original XY dimensions intact. The build has been very enjoyable thus far and am nearing completion of all wiring in preparation for my first test run!

FRANKINATOR -- My CNC Router Built Around The C-Beam Rail

Feb 2, 2016
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I started this build about 2 weeks after the c-beam hit the store. I purchased a single bundle and ordered a TinyG to run it. where I work I have Hardware, Software and Mechanical engineers and they all got sucked into my project. they want one to do prototyping at the office, once they see mine...

LinearRail - 3D Printer

Jan 10, 2017
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I have re-purposed many of the parts from my Linear OX build. I'm using MGN 12 linear rails on all three axis, 5 start lead screws on the Z axis and I'm going to experiment with 5 start lead screw on the X axis. The frame plates are made from 1/8" laser cut mild steel, & open builds extrusion.

Arctic_Stingray CNC

Jun 15, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This build is based on the C-Beam build by Mark Carew. I have added axis limit switches and a remote mounted control cabinet. This build also uses a custom moveable table.

SHRED-Buddy3D UPcycler - Open Source Multi Material Cutter&Pelletizer

Jan 2, 2017
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The whole system is powered by 12V / DC power. Process it into Pellets or Granules to use it with your 3D Printer or Filament Extruder. Our self-developed steppermotor Controls allows you to optimally adjust Feedrate for your Situation. Forward, Backward and Stop is integrated for easy operation. The Speed can be continuously regulated via rotary switch.

CORE XY 3D Printer

Aug 24, 2016
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is an inexpensive build, large volume 2225 cubic inch, CORE XY 3D printer providing decent speed with precise and repeatable precision with expandable features.

1x1m Ooznest Ox

Jul 12, 2016
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Building my first router and I choose the ooznest Ox since it looks to be the latest and greatest among routers.

C-Beam based modular Resin Printer

Aug 10, 2016
Resin Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The build is based on a 500mm C-Beam and the SeeMeCNC FlexVat. The C-Beam is both the linear motion and a structural element of the design. The frame that holds the 45 degree first surface mirror and the build vat can slide up and down the C-Beam to accommodate projectors with lenses at different elevations.

RiNo Route

Jan 5, 2017
Build Progress
Build Complete!

A CNC router designed to handle a 4'x8' sheet, for as close to $2000 as possible. The price barrier resulted in my choice to use timing belts rather than leadscrews or rack&pinion. Build List still being updated

C-Beam Evolution MkII

May 12, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The C-Beam Evolution is an evolving machine. The MkII is inspired by Kyo's C-Beam Spinx but currently uses my own design of plates made of 8mm acrylic (X-axis ends) and 6mm polycarbonate (Y axis ends). The plates were made on the MkI but I hope to be able to make 6mm aluminium plates on the MkII for the MkIII.

CO2 Tube life expectancy experiment - Sponsored in part by Openbuilds

May 11, 2017
Laser Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Hypothesis - Running CO2 laser tubes at high amperage may shoirten tube life in number of hours, but will be made up for by the increase in actual inches engraved/cut using the higher power. This is a long term experiment, so the build status will remain as "Build in progress" until the experiment has been completed.


May 2, 2017
Build Progress
Build Complete!

2 1/2 axis CNC chassis. Convertible to plasma, 3D printer and welder. Currently used as router. Plotting table dim: X axis 620 mm, Y 650 mm, Z 100 mm. Created for teaching purposes, open source license, currently used for engraving ukiyo-e wood plates and printmaking

1.4 meter tall build height, 300x410mm build plate cartesian

Mar 26, 2017
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The original plan was to build a 3d printer with a 1200x1200 build platform with a 600mm build height. I was having issues getting ahold of a large enough borosilicate glass plate for the build so I decided to go for build height. I plan on using a smoothieboard for the controller. The build has currently slowed down. I was removing a broken drillbit from the linear rail mount, and it shattered and took out my eye. I am doing what I can when I can focus my eyes long enough for the build.

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