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      20161119_225807.jpg 20161127_175403.jpg 20161127_182227.jpg 20161119_225807.jpg 20161127_175403.jpg 20161127_182227.jpg 20161205_121819.jpg 20161222_111539.jpg 20161119_225807.jpg 20161127_175403.jpg 20161223_153647_Burst04.jpg 20161222_111539.jpg 20161205_121819.jpg 20161127_182227.jpg 20161127_175403.jpg 20161119_225807.jpg 20161127_175403.jpg 20161119_225807.jpg 20161119_225807.jpg 20161127_175403.jpg 20161127_182227.jpg 20161205_121819.jpg 20161222_111539.jpg 20161223_153647_Burst04.jpg 20161119_225807.jpg 20161127_175403.jpg 20161127_182227.jpg 20161205_121819.jpg 20161222_111539.jpg 20161223_153647_Burst04.jpg
      Shida likes this.
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  • Build Details

    Build License:
    • CERN (CERN-OHL1.2+) Open Hardware Licence

    Reason for this Build

    i was looking at the ox 1000 x 1500 mechanical kit but i was afraid that it wouldnt be enough rigid for my needs
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