My CoreXY Cube features:
- Built predominately using 1000mm 20x40 V-Slot, with a few cuts.
- No printed parts in structure.
- 600mm x 600mm x 800mm build volume (24" x 24" x ~30")
- CoreXY Driven by 0.9 degree Nema 23 Steppers
- Z-axis driven by four independant Nema 23 on 8mm Acme Leadscrews
- Z-axis will be counterbalanced with weights for smooth operation.
- Heated bed on 26" x 26" 1/4" aluminum, with 24" x 24" sheet of PEI for print surface.
Heated by a 600x600 silicone heater, 110v at 2000W.- Initially using 2 x E3D Titan Aero extruders and Volcano nozzles, supports up to 4 extruders.
Sketchup Model in Files section.
Bill of Materials (parts list) in Parts List section.
CoreXY Cube
Build in 'H-Bot and Core XY' published by Giuliano M, Apr 8, 2017.
CoreXY cube with 600x600x800 volume.
- Build Progress:
- Build in Progress...
Yasinzaii, madcubist, Reversebackwards and 7 others like this. -
Build Author Giuliano M, Find all builds by Giuliano M
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Build Details
- Build License:
- CC - Attribution - CC BY
Inspired by
H-Bot CoreXY Cube -
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