Parts are just starting to arrive for the control box. Nothing concrete in drawings for the gantry or bed but plan to use extruded aluminum for most of the frame build.
I'll update as we get parts in and start to prototype the control setup.
Mark 1
Build in 'Cartesian Style CNC' published by Braindice, Jul 24, 2017.
My first attempt at building a CNC style machine. Overall my plan is to use the PlanetCNC breakout board and software to run the machine from a dedicated laptop/tablet.
- Build Progress:
- Build in Progress...
Special Notes
General Plan:
1. Build Control Box
-- PlanetCNC BOB
--3 Axes stepper motor controllers
--jog control buttons
--e-stop trigger
--spindle control ?? stretch goal
2. Test control Box -
3. Build Basic Pinion Rail system for y cord.
4. Build gantry for x travel
5. Test x and y travel --------
6. build spindle holder
7. Test machine
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Build Author Braindice, Find all builds by Braindice
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Build Details
- Build License:
- CC - Attribution NonCommercial - CC BY NC