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Idea for any axis support and Drive

Apr 27, 2016
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Just an idea right now but will attempt a prototype in the near future. Not sure if this has been tried before or not.....

MakerSL MSL-6 DLP 3D Printer

Apr 22, 2016
Resin Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This will be a DLP 3D Printer designed around an Openbuilds Frame and rail system. It will be a collaborated effort between myself and Ben Smith. We will be building two prototypes.

BldrBot Pro

Nov 13, 2014
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A completely belt driven cartesian design with a center mounted X motor. This is a very compact, rugged design.

Atlas Delta Bot

Apr 15, 2016
Delta Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The idea here is to build a nice large delta bot from the parts ground on the one builds part store. Other parts that are sources out side of this will be detailed. I have a simple BOM I started that I will upload later.

Expanded Routy using 290 build instructions

Apr 6, 2016
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Using the Routy290 build and an awful lot of help from puntoMX, this machine has been expanded in the X and Y axis. My first build, I'm learning a lot about all of this. I've had to disassemble parts of this thing many times due to forgetfulness, but that's ok. Also, I've forgotten to take constant pictures throughout the build.

Eddie's Build of Niko's (gianakop) Egg Painter

Mar 26, 2016
Sphere Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is my build of Niko's (gianakop) Egg Painter. Egg decorating is something many Christians do for Easter Sunday and the Easter (Paschal) Season that follows. This will be my initial use for the build, but also with minimal modification to be able to write/paint on other round objects like Christmas ornaments, coffee mugs, etc. Many people also decorate eggs for purely secular reasons.

Versabot - All metal 3D printer

Sep 30, 2014
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

An all metal construction cartesian style 3D printer with a very rigid frame that has the flexibility to function as a desktop milling station or laser cutter with appropriate user designed attachments. Design is scaleable to suit any size requirement. All axis are leadscrew driven. V-Slot and Mini V-wheels have been utilised for the linear rails.

Murphy OX-CNC Dreamin

Mar 12, 2016
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I am in the design phase of my CNC. I would like to thank everyone who has placed resources on the site. I am using it to the up most! I will update as I continue the design and share my progress.

My Ox

May 16, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

What I want to build is a unit to: rout wood, plastic and occasional aluminium . to be able to swap cutters. i.e. drragknife, laser, router, drill

C-Beam Plate Machine

Feb 23, 2016
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build Complete!

My first openbuilds submission, plain old c-beam machine. Seems like I've spent more time fighting the forum here redirecting in circles than actually building the machine. I'll try to add more pics if I ever find a path out of this corn maze...

PiDuinoCNC Controller

Feb 23, 2016
Circuit - Software Project
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Using a Raspberry Pi, Arduino and a Protoneer CNC Shield to create an Open Source CNC router controller. It will be equipped with a touch screen to control the on board processor. The touch screen will run a user interface that has buttons for added functionality. There will be a camera for monitoring progress from inside my office. The control box will also feature a way to power the vacuum and spindle/router . I will also be able to monitor room temp as well as Pi CPU temps and averages.

CO2 laser.

Jul 10, 2014
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Here it is my intention to show what was involved in adding a CO2 laser to my existing CNC machine.

Routy GT2 300 BSX CNC Router

Jun 24, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is the first project that I would like to share with you. I know the build looks familiar and it is; it’s based on kram242´s Routy. Work area is 300*500*55 mm and is NEMA17/GT2 belt driven.

The MULE (an OX inspired 3-axis CNC)

Jan 15, 2016
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The Mule is a 3-axis CNC inspired by the OX CNC by Mark Carew. This machine borrows the OX's sturdy frame and upgrades the X and Y linear actuators through the use of three 500mm lead screws (as opposed to the belt system of the OX). The result is an inexpensive, sturdy, and powerful design built for cutting tough materials such as aluminum.


Jan 12, 2016
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

[EN] Build of my Multiple OX CNC. It's goal is to run in 2 differents modes : router and 3D printer modes. The router mode will allows the use of a laser diode or a standard spindle. [FR] Construction d'une CNC basée sur l'OX pour des usages multiples. Deux modes principaux sont prévus : l'impression 3D et l'usinage via une defonceuses. Le mode usinage permettra à l'avenir de placerune tête laser pour effectuer quelques gravures simples. Une version française : http://kermareg.be/?page_id=103

RONIN OX | The G10/Carbon Fiber Hogger

Nov 19, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The Ronin OX is a dedicated fiber composite milling machine. I give a complete in-depth article on how to take a nearly stock OX build and easily turn it into something that can mill carbon fiber and G10 plate effectively and quickly.


Nov 10, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

One meter square. Short and stout.... reminds me of a Sumo Wrestler. A temporary and adjustable configuration I have devised to cut my own plates. I have kicked around ideas for about a year and the C-Beam extrusion has made this attempt to realize my ideas irresistible. This is just one step towards bigger and better things!


Dec 27, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I'm starting my first own build cnc machine which is inspired by routy and the ox. Were my goal was not to use the ox plates but use the standard plates available in the parts store for the design.

Tool position setting Part III.

Jan 29, 2014
Build Progress
Build Complete!

In this, the final part, I would like to introduce Machine Vision and show how it can be used, not only for tool position setting but also for resolving the triangle to calculate the G68 (local system rotated) for jobs which are not squarely placed on the work table.

C-beam Router rack and pinion

Sep 24, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I want build a frame that is as sturdy as possibility while at the same time keeping it as compact as possible. working area will be approx 1200mm x 600mm

H-Bot CoreXY Cube with Fixed Build Plate

Apr 21, 2015
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Use of V-Slot for frame and rails with option to use identical 500mm uncut lengths: 8 * 20x60 x 500mm 8 * 20x40 x 500mm 7 * 20x20 x 500mm (2 cut into four identical 125mm pieces for filament holders) Use of uncut 500mm rails obtained through use of 12 joining plates for use as spacers. Alternate approach is to trim two 20x40 and 1 20x20 rail by 6-8mm each. Build volume ~400mm cubed (with dual extruders). Use of only openbuilds components! Currently in design phase...

HAPP Printer

Nov 6, 2015
X/Y Table Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This 3D Printer is made to provide the most accurate results with the least amount of investment. This Printer is being designed to allow the common user to own a very accurate piece of machinery.

The Ox That Wood

Dec 18, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is my story about my need for a CNC router on a budget that wound up in the $5K range !!! but I have a good belt drive Ox

C-beam Camera slider

Nov 15, 2015
Camera Sliders - Rigs
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

feel kind of bad calling this a build because of pretty much everything is off the shelf parts. I'm writing my own sketch right now for the motion but there is a version or 2 floating around on the net based of this design. I will post my code once it's done.

Persnickety Plate Maker

Aug 13, 2015
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

My very first attempt at a CNC build. Based on the OpenBuilds C-Beam Machine, small tweaks will be made to tailor it for my goals: machining G10, aluminum & some carbon fiber for use with multirotor and motorcycle parts. I am looking forward to the day when I am comfortable enough to bring the ideas in my head to the tip of the end mill in a smooth fashion...

Laser cutter project by students

Dec 3, 2015
Laser Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This build is made by students from Fontys Hogescholen Eindhoven, department Engineering. Every quarter a new group continues the work of the previous group. We have been working on the project since september 2015, and as it is a work in progress, a lot will be added later. The first months have mainly been about designing and building an XY-table on which later all the electronic components will be added and the laser.

pain in my ox

Mar 21, 2015
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

build is in process the machine went together perfectly no issues at all but the software is another issue I have been trying to get the thing dialed in it is driving me nuts I'm still in the process will update if I ever get it figured out

Delta 3d Printer

May 27, 2015
Delta Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I am going to use this as a build log for my delta 3d printer build. I have access to a MakerBOT to print some of the parts. I am still finishing up a few of the design elements but the idea is to have a rigid unit to eliminate deflection in components and maintain accuracy.

G&C Printer

Oct 15, 2015
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The name of the printer is G&C Printer from Good & Cheap Printer. My goal was to design an printer that was good print quality and was cheap. The total cost of the printer is about 490€.

DutziDelta RepStrap

Nov 2, 2015
Delta Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Fascinated for some time by 3D Printing. Now, after studying countless forum posts, blogs and similiar stuff, i want to Start with my own build. Maybe a bit much but usually i thrive with the challenge.

Black Panther QR

Mar 3, 2015
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The QuadRap 3D printer version based on OpenBuilds wheels. Born in https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/103539262895202172380

Work Bench Stand

Oct 29, 2015
Furniture Builds
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Here is a nice little simple build that will help to free up some extra space on your work bench. If your like me you need all the room on your work station you can use, so this is great to have.

STEAM crane printer

Jun 29, 2015
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The STEAM Crane 3d printer uses the new C-Beam linear rail. It is being developed for an after school / summer camp program for kids. All of the electronics are housed in the base and the wiring is routed down the channels of the c-beam. This is done to contain as much of the loose wiring as possible, hopefully keeping it safer for kids.

core xy smoothie

Oct 14, 2015
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

i had som left over parts and i dit like to test the corexy control so this is wat i came up with. sorry bad englich.

3D Printer 320x220x200

Sep 21, 2015
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Someone donated a E3D Volcano to me (http://e3d-online.com/Volcano/V6-VOLCANO-POWER-PACK-175-UNIVERSAL-24V) and with a super hotend like that, it feels like a waste to stick it into a small 3D printer. So I decided I want a 320x220mm (XY) machine, 200mm Z is plenty for me

Pretty Standard + Slave X Axis

Sep 12, 2015
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Planning my build, just looking for design input at the moment. I definitely want a slave X axis. I am potentially going to go with one of the 1500W Chinese water cooled spindles.

Longhorn OX (Under Construction and In Progress)

Mar 30, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I ran across the OX and knew it was the one I wanted to build. Some of the things I wanted to include was make it bigger and a little more solid than what the original plans called for. So here is where I am at so far. It will have a cutting area of 48" x 48". The waste board support frame will have more support rails. The Y axis will have (3) 20mm x 60mm rails instead of the original (2) that is called for. 1/4" aluminum OX plates. And a few more odds and ends.

V-Slot™ X -Y Stage Hidden Acme Rod Example

Sep 17, 2015
Everything Else

An X-Y Stage created from two self contained acme screw linear actuators. This build was published as an example of how many of the OpenBuilds Parts can be used.

Bob's 3D Printer Kit Build

Apr 9, 2014
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

I have wanted a 3D printer for a while. I had thought to convert my ShapeOko machine to a 3D printer BUT after looking at having to replace the electronics with new and the small form factor. I went looking for a kit which would do what I want. Well I found it. It is the MakerFarm i3v printer.


Feb 7, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I am very grateful to Mark Carew with passion and imagination. Therefore, the machine is good, but making the website there too daedanhaeseo The end of the same either way to invisible homework. Thank you for allowing openbuilds team submitted to the challenge once again for those with a passion that I feel like in Korea, I want to be a great help.

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