I have upload the 3d project where you can get all the necessary printed parts (123dx format). To get the parts to be printed, download for free the software http://www.123dapp.com/design, open the project g&c_core.123dx, select the part you want and export in stl format.
The bom file contains all the necessary hardware and the link where you can buy.
Uploaded the last firmware marlin (1.1.0) and repetier already configured for this printer. Note: the menu are in Portuguese, you can easy modify this.
specifications of the printer:
All structure is made of aluminium, super rigid, each side was 4 2020 bars.
Z axis all aluminium for rigidity and precision.
Easy to transport.
Support bowden or direct extruder.
All electronics and core xy mechanism are hidden and protected with printed panels.
Total Volume: 40x40x52cm
Real print volume: 20x20x27cm
Use 6 endstop, two for each axis.
Hotend E3D v6 little, hotbed up to 110ºC
Ramp 1.4, mega 256, 1/32 steppers, big LCD with SD card support
I have added some extras that are not included in the BOM file:
Raspberry with webcam and octoprint
Light LED
Button on/off with green light
filament support with bearings and M8 screw
colling for the x,y and extruder motors.
Radial print fan.
For more information consult the next links:
G&C Printer
Build in 'H-Bot and Core XY' published by Filipe Jose, Oct 15, 2015.
The name of the printer is G&C Printer from Good & Cheap Printer. My goal was to design an printer that was good print quality and was cheap. The total cost of the printer is about 490€.
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- Build Complete!
yeskelavozis, poddy71, Just and 11 others like this. -
Build Author Filipe Jose, Find all builds by Filipe Jose
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Build Details
- Build License:
- CC - Attribution NonCommercial - Share Alike - CC BY NC SA
Reason for this Build
My goal was to design an printer that was good print quality and was cheap.Inspired by
The printer use the next corexy mechanism: https://github.com/jand1122/RepRap-XY -
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