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Build Author Keith Davis Views 33590
OneZ i3
A quiet, 8inx8in build area, Cartesian printer with permanently level bed. This is a compact, solid, inexpensive printer that will reliably print any type filament for thousands of hours while you sleep, fish, or play ball in the park.
Build Author rob4cnc Views 3287
Rock n Roll
The Rock n Roll is built on granite, is solid as a rock, and gathers no moss. This build provides a high degree of accuracy and repeatability. Built to be strong, use redundancy, and use long lever arms to average out imperfections in the equipment. Built to go fast and light. We will use a high speed spindle, large high voltage stepper motors and small cutting heads to overwhelm the forces produced at the cutting head.
Build Author Julius Views 7489
The "Hand" CNC (or OXCarve)
more to come, please follow along the journey!
HAPP Printer
This 3D Printer is made to provide the most accurate results with the least amount of investment. This Printer is being designed to allow the common user to own a very accurate piece of machinery.