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1500mmx500mm Kossel Delta

Feb 3, 2017
Delta Bots
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Please, look over my build and make any recommendations you can think of! I haven't figured out how long my arms need to be yet. Nor have I done any shopping around to find better prices...

large format printer

Feb 11, 2015
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I am hoping to post a detailed build of my printer it is a large format using the RepRap RAMPS 1.4 & Mega 2560 & DRV8825 Driver + optical end stop +LCD 12864 -C 0.4mm Far-end Distal Dual-Head Nozzle Extruder Double Nozzle

Lead 1010 Build - Anything but stock.

Feb 24, 2020
Cartesian Style CNC
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Build in Progress...

This is a lead 1010 build that I wanted to have a little fun with. I purchased the whole Lead 1010 kit, and felt like studying a few shortcomings of the original to see if I can improve it or just have some fun with it.


Dec 12, 2016
H-Bot and Core XY
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Build in Progress...

This is my own modified version of the D-Bot printer. I wanted to spec this printer to be able to print exotic materials at high accuracy with little to no compromises and maximum reliability.


Aug 8, 2016
Cartesian Style Bots
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Build in Progress...

This build will hopefully be 18x18x24 build space using RAMPS 1.4 with Marlin firmware. Using NEMA 17 motors and belts to drive the X and Y axis, lead screws for the Z axis. The build plate will be heated with a delrin Y carriage for the glass and heatbed. Z axis motors will be top mounted. Possibly and ATX power supply.

Voxel Evolution

Jul 4, 2018
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a remix of Marshal Peck's Voxel OX, with some design tweaks inspired by Makerparts and jjcolletta. It has a build area of 300mm X 300mm X 480mm, but is easily configured for just about any build area up to 500mm X 500mm X 750mm. I have used some laser cut acrylic plates and a couple of 3D printed parts in its construction, however it can be assembled using nothing but OpenBuilds parts with the exception of the heated bed and the Y axis carrier for the heated bed.

Cartesian 3d printer

Jun 19, 2020
Cartesian Style Bots
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This is the build of a cartesian 3d printer made of an old Anet and Geeeteck, some 2020 alu profil and linear rail. Powered by a Rumba with a Nextion screen. It should be modular and accept dual Extrusion and laser engraving.

Old Faithful...FDM/CNC machine

Feb 9, 2017
Cartesian Style Bots
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I've owned some pretty unreliable printers, and I'll leave it at that... This design comes from the need to have a 3D printer that is reliable, period. I didn't have the money for a several thousand dollar 3d printer with an equivalent build area so that was out of the question. Plus as a fledgling Engineer, I really wanted to blood myself on a project. And that's how Old Faithful came to be. A simple, reliable, rigid, durable machine. Made by me :) Also, it'll be tough enough for light CNC.

3D printed CNC Machine

Dec 28, 2019
Other Style 3D Printers
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So I thought I would make the Leon van den Beukel version three 3D printed CNC Machine, it is the third incarnation so you would expect a relatively bug-free CNC Machine with a strong foundation.

Core XY

Dec 10, 2017
H-Bot and Core XY
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Build in Progress...

Just now in the planning phase of my build. Waiting for some parts to come in to see what I am going to build off of. Print area going to be close to 300x300x350. Trying to decide if I want it enclosed. I do want to print ABS... so probably so.

3D Printer 051

Sep 30, 2020
Cartesian Style Bots
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Functional real-world 3D printer build with RM2-2RS bearings in routed V grooves on phenolic resin rails (lab countertop scraps) and NSK 25mm linear rails/trucks.


Oct 28, 2017
Cartesian Style Bots
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Build in Progress...

Toying around a concept. Inputs are welcome on whether to use lead screw or belt drive. My lead screw will be single start 500 mm lenght, 2 mm pitch and 2 mm lead. Nema 17 motors will be used. All veterans, suggestions please.

Cairo 30 3d-printer

Feb 3, 2023
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

We are introducing the Cairo30 3d-printer! It’s our new premium creature with no compromises! The Cairo30 3d-printer is the culmination of our accumulated years of experience designing and producing open-source CNC machines kits.

Amazon Special

Feb 10, 2017
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Build in Progress...

I have parts that are apparently not suited to a cnc router or a 3d printer. I am still trying to figure out what to make out of what I have,

Design and Performance Evaluation of A Large FDM 3D Printer

Nov 2, 2018
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This build includes the design of a large FDM 3D printer. This machine has a 796mm by 796mm by 900mm (LxWxH) build volume. Motion is controlled by servo motors and the printer runs on python-based marlin firmware.

600 volume 3D-Printer

Mar 27, 2024
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Hello. I build this 600 by 600 printer and hope to share it. I plan to sell custom builds with my website in the middle of this yeahr while making all parts accesibble online for replacements and own builds. My plan was to build a better and more accessible big volume 3d-printer as cheap as possible. I got some inspiration of the ender creality 3, the crazy-Print xyz 300 and the veho 600 tronxy which was simply not relaible and satisfying overal.

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