Starting off with 2040 extrusion. I figured the added width would provide some support and can still be configured as 2020 to a extent. Most parts are being ordered from Aliexpress and a few from Amazon and Ebay.
Core XY
Build in 'H-Bot and Core XY' published by medicshort, Dec 10, 2017.
Just now in the planning phase of my build. Waiting for some parts to come in to see what I am going to build off of. Print area going to be close to 300x300x350. Trying to decide if I want it enclosed. I do want to print ABS... so probably so.
- Build Progress:
- Build in Progress...
Build Author medicshort, Find all builds by medicshort
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Build Details
- Build License:
- CC - Attribution - CC BY
Reason for this Build
I basically got started wanting to build one due to the need of never needing the exact small parts that I need for other projects. Other than that, who wouldn't want a 3d printer???