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Software for BlackBox in non-CNC application

Discussion in 'Other Builds' started by Samantha Schafer, Nov 10, 2020.

  1. Samantha Schafer


    Oct 13, 2020
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    I have recently purchased the BlackBox and Meanwell 24V bundles to use on a non-CNC project for a customer. The premise is similar because we will be using 3 linear actuators to control position--but instead of moving a cutting tool through a material, we will be positioning a hydrophone and transducer set up for medical-grade ultrasound testing in a water tank.

    My question is this: for those of you who have used the BlackBox before, is there a language or software interface that you like best for the motor control?

    My instinct for any complex data acquisition is to go with LabView, but I am unsure if anyone has ever used those two in conjunction before. I am sure it would work, but I'd like some insight before I start proposing and promising things to my client.
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    There used to be a couple of Grbl drivers for Labview, so I would say if that's your comfort zone already, give it a go first

    Just one example [CR] GRBL 1.1 (just google for "labview grbl 1.1" for more)

    Otherwise, in essence there is an arduino uno inside, so you can write your own firmware in Arduino, check out AccelStepper library for more
    kevinbaileycrum likes this.
  3. kevinbaileycrum


    Nov 10, 2020
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    piggy backing off this thread. A bit of a novice question here, however Im planning on using the black box to control stepper motors for non-cnc purposes as well and am unsure about asking the write questions.

    If I want to send instructions to the box (in the form of gcode for example) would I be:
    1. writing my own firmware to 'arduino uno inside'? If so are there docs for interacting with / writing firmware for the built in arduino
    2. using another method (api, software etc) to send gcode instructions to the black box? Again are there docs or examples of this?

    Thanks, I hope my question isnt too vague. A little new to this and am unsure about getting the proper wording for asking the question.

    I suppose to totally clarify, Im attempting to control stepper motors that move a unit on the x,y,z plane for automation purposes.
  4. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    It comes with Grbl, and there are tonnes of existing libraries for talking to Grbl (pick your language, for example Python, see gnea/grbl), also if you want to write your own, the Grbl Wiki has very detailed interfacing documentation

    If you want to do your own firmware, thats up to you how you want to communicate with it - thats your own firmware :) make it do what you want to make it do
    Pinout: gnea/grbl
    Popular arduino library for interfacing steppers AccelStepper: AccelStepper library for Arduino
    kevinbaileycrum likes this.
  5. kevinbaileycrum


    Nov 10, 2020
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    so how exactly does one flash the firmware to the black box?

    Ive been tinkering with grbl and ran the make file to compile my new version. When I use openBuilds control grbl flashing tool it says I can use it to flash customized instances of grbl to my controller however it doesnt allow me to select the grbl build to flash. Is their somewhere else in openbuilds control where you flash the firmware? Do you use a different software to flash?
  6. Giarc

    Giarc OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jan 24, 2015
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    Arduino IDE perhaps?
    kevinbaileycrum likes this.
  7. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Our recommended customisations, 2Axes, Servo, Door switch etc as per the wizard on screen

    Most folks don't have the will or skill to compile Grbl, but fair enough, we do cater to the extra 2% too (;

    That coming in v1.0.262 if you can wait a couple days :) - this version still in internal testing and not released yet


    In the meantime gnea/grbl and gnea/grbl 100% applies to the BlackBox too
    kevinbaileycrum and sharmstr like this.
  8. kevinbaileycrum


    Nov 10, 2020
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    @Peter Van Der Walt cant wait. Thought about silly hacks such as moving my .hex file to replace the grbl1.1g-blackbox.hex file on my instance of open builds control with hopes selecting that one as my #fileToFlash but wasnt sure if it was the best idea. Will be watching the repo like a hawk :)

    @Giarc in regards to using the arduino ide for flashing, the tutorial grbl/grbl mentions to select the board as arduino uno in step 5. Is that the case for the black box? My understanding is the black box is a muscle board and a brains board with an ATMEGA328P-AU chip. Im not the best at micro controllers however do we essentially treat it is an uno and thus select `tool -> uno`?
  9. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Yes, Uno essentially :)
    Deliberately chose to keep things compatible to make it as widely compatible with existing toolchains as possible.
    kevinbaileycrum likes this.
  10. kevinbaileycrum


    Nov 10, 2020
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    oh yes. I see now even the grbl config.h file says CPU_ATMEGA328P as the Uno cpu :duh:
    should have read more carefully!! Thanks!!
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.

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