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Please help with huanyang VFD

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by Adrianjudy, Jul 16, 2019.

  1. Adrianjudy


    Apr 19, 2016
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    I have read every post on here about VFD setup and I think I have watched every video on youtube and searched all over google for the proper settings to get everything working and am still having problems. Here is my setup:

    110v 1.5kw huanyang VFD (model HY01D511B)
    800w 110v Chinese spindle
    Blackbox motion control system
    openbuilds 24v power supply
    openbuilds Nema 23 high torque steppers
    a crap ton (non-standard unit of measure) of v-slot and c-beam

    here is the kit: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BBHJMQB/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s04?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    all of the motion controls work great, the blackbox makes it easy to get all of that dialed in. But I cannot seem to get the blackbox to trigger the VFD properly.

    Have read this post by Sean Griffiths and his great write up about 100 times, but my VFD is different. his only has one row of terminals, mine has 2, the parameter numbers and wording on the settings are different (i don't really care about the spindle going in reverse at this point)

    I found this video on youtube from bobbildz that has a similar VFD and a simple wiring setup that sort-of works for me.

    Basically, I shorted the DCM and FOR pins and ran the 0-10v pin from the blackbox toolhead plug to VI and the ground on the toolhead plug to ACM. I can turn on the spindle with the m3 command, but it doesn't want to turn off with any command (m5 or m3 s0). I ended up running the DCM and FOR pins through the relay plug on the blackbox so I could shut down the spindle by using the coolant on/off buttons (m8/m9) and that works. but the spindle doesn't ever get above 6000 RPM with that setup (see other settings below). i checked the output of the toolhead pins and confirmed that they are putting out voltage and tuned it for 10v using the trimpot.

    I think that my problem is in the VFD programming, and i have narrowed it down to a couple of programming nodes.

    here is my current setup on the VFD:
    pd013 - 8 (factory reset)

    pd001 - 1 (external terminal)
    pd002 - 1 (external potentiometer which i figure is how the VFD sees the changing voltage 0-10v)
    pd003 - 400
    pd004 - 400
    pd005 - 400 (set this one before 003 and 004)
    pd144 - 3000
    pd007 - .5 (Default)
    pd008 - 110v
    pd141 - 110v
    pd142 - 7 (rated motor current)
    pd143 - 2 (# of motor poles)
    pd144 - 3000
    pd023 - 0 (disable reverse)
    pd024 - 1 (keep the stop button on the vfd working)
    pd052 - 1 (this turns on an external SSR which turns on the water pump and vacuum, if i ever actually get this thing working and cutting wood)

    Here are the ones I'm not sure about
    pd070 - 0 (0-10v analog input) seems to make sense because the blackbox is feeding the VFD with 0-10v
    pd072 - 400 (higher analog frequency) (this one was in the few instructions that came with the spindle/VFD)
    pd073 - 100 (lower analog frequency)
    pd009 - 15 (not sure about this one, saw it on someone else's setup)
    pd010 - 8 (same with this one, saw it in someone else's setup)
    pd011 - 100 (same here)
    I have seen other manuals that have these switched, 073 is high and 072 is low, so i have tried switching those numbers around and didn't get the results I was looking for. The only time I was able to get the spindle to show 24000 RPM was to set both 072 and 073 to 400, but that was full bore with no control over the speed at all. when i do have control over speed, the spindle has gone up to as much as 14000 rpm, but that has been hit and miss.

    The instructions that came with the spindle had settings for:
    pd005 - 400
    pd004 - 400
    pd002 - 1
    pd070 - 1
    pd072 - 400
    pd144 - 3000
    pd008 - 110

    and, of course, the instruction book which makes everything clear as mud.

    If I set both 072 and 073 to 400 I get full speed, 24000 rpm (really if I set 73 to 400 at all, i get 24000 rpm, So I'm pretty sure that 072 is the higher analog frequency parameter)
    if i set 072 to 400 and 073 to 0 I get 6000 when I send and m3 s1000, but no response with an m5 or m3 s0 and no response in changing the speed via slider
    if i set 072 to 400 and 073 to 100 i get 6000 rpm, slider will bump the speed to 7210, m5 and m3 s0 bring it back down to 6000 again

    like i said, i think that the problem is somewhere in the pd070 through 073 range, but maybe there is something with pd009, 010 or 011 or somewhere that I am not even looking at. I have read too many blogs and posts and probably just need to reset it and start over, but i feel like I am so close.

    my goal is to have everything running using m3/m5 commands for start, stop and speed control and lose the m8/m9 relay for the spindle power.

    Any help you can provide would be appreciated.
    adding a few pictures of my setup just for a little eye candy :)

    Attached Files:

    #1 Adrianjudy, Jul 16, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2019
    MED3D likes this.
  2. Adrianjudy


    Apr 19, 2016
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    after some sleep i answered my own question.

    I had the GRBL settings set to 24000 max speed, so when I sent the m3 s1000, it was only starting it up to 1/24th of the speed that it could because that's what i was sending it from the 10v pin. I also changed pd142 to 5 after realizing I set it too high for an 800w spindle. 4 days of troubleshooting, resetting and reprogramming the VFD to find out it was a GRBL problem... facepalm.
    BennyBear, GrayUK, Rob Taylor and 3 others like this.
  3. Semper Why


    May 16, 2018
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    Adrian, thank you for this. My setup is a near duplicate of yours, with a Huanyang 1.5Kw VFD and 800W air-cooled spindle. I'm currently trying to get the spindle to rotate consistently before moving to control by my board (xPro v4). I've put in the parameters given to me by Automation Technologies, but I get an error message at about 30-40 rpm. Error reads "E.ou.A", which I guess is some form of over voltage.

    I'm going to try your settings and see if that helps. In the meantime, can you describing your wiring setup? Which of the R,S, & T terminals did you hook up and how? And did you do anything with the J1 jumper to the right of the input terminals?

  4. Adrianjudy


    Apr 19, 2016
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    Sorry, I focused on the upper rows of connections and didn’t mention the lower rows. I’m away from my machine right now, But I have a couple documents still in my laptop bag that helped some. Though I never got an error message on the VFD, maybe this will help...
    If you are in the US on 110v power, like I am, Connect the hot AC power to R, neutral to S, and leave T empty. Connect a ground wire to the ground screw on the far right of the connections (if yours is like mine, the different models can be slightly different in the setup and the instructions aren’t great). That may be the source of the problem. Motor goes on UVW, in whatever order you want, if the spindle spins backward, switch 2 of them. I did move the jumper over to the “external control” setting on pins 1 and 2 so that it could be controlled by the black box. Attached is how mine is wired (if you ignore that this was written for a 220 VFD) I would give credit for this document, but I don’t have a record of where I printed it from. Sorry tot he author, but it should be available via a google search. That’s how I found it.

    I hope this is helpful. Let me know if you need any more help. I’ll gladly share my limited experience.

    Attached Files:

  5. JacobE1988


    Jul 23, 2019
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    Have you figure all of this out? I'm setting mine up right now and having issues as well. I'll put in S8000 and the VFD will only show like 4000.
  6. Adrianjudy


    Apr 19, 2016
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    make sure that in the grbl setting of the blackbox and in the VFD you have the max spindle speed set properly. As I understand how it works, it does not send the actual spindle speed to the vfd, it sends a percentage of current up to 10v based on what you put in as your max spindle speed and the spindle speed you are asking it to run.

    for example, if you have the following setting on the VFD:
    incorrect max spindle speed: 12000 (the correct setting on mine is pd0072 set to 400 according to the instructions that came with mine, check you manual to make sure that is the proper setting for yours)

    and the following setting on the Blackbox:
    max spindle speed: 24000

    When you put in the command M3 S8000, the blackbox will look at the percentage difference in the max and the requested speed and send that percentage of 10v to the VFD. so in this example, the blackbox will send 2.5v ((8000/24000)*10v).
    The vfd will take that 2.5v and apply that percentage to the max spindle speed it knows, in this example 12000rpm. so you end up with (2.5/10)*12000 = 4000rpm.

    your max rpm may be different, consult your manual. But that is my guess as to what is happening. In my vfd instructions, setting pd0072 to 400 was like setting the max speed to 24000. Not sure how that math works out, but check your instructions and make sure you have the right setting on the GRBL settings in the blackbox.
    JacobE1988 likes this.
  7. JacobE1988


    Jul 23, 2019
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    Yes I figured it out. Thank you. The issue was setting PD143 and PD144 on the VFD. It thought I had a 4 pole spindle instead of two pole thereby only sending half the required signal to the spindle.
  8. DxN32

    DxN32 New

    Aug 12, 2019
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    got my vfd/BB communication all dialed in (super pumped), but the spindle does run backwards. Is the above fix for this good advice? Spindle runs in the same direction with M3 and M4, so I’d love to fix this the right way.
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  9. Adrianjudy


    Apr 19, 2016
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    Swap 2 of the wires on the vfd to the spindle. Doesn’t matter which ones.
  10. DxN32

    DxN32 New

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Nailed it. Thanks!
    Adrianjudy likes this.
  11. Josh Lambeth


    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey Guys,
    Here is a video I put together basically encasing most of this thread and some info that I came across in other posts to get this to work:

  12. Gofertpc

    Gofertpc Well-Known

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Excellent post Josh.
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  13. Ryan Matthes


    Aug 18, 2019
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    Can someone help me out? I’m trying to figure out if you can power the black box and the vfd separately? Is there a way you can power the black box and the vfd together or do you need to plug both of them in separate?
  14. Semper Why


    May 16, 2018
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    You power the VFD separately. Mine plugs into a standard 110v outlet. A different outlet runs to a power strip which feeds the 24v power supply, monitor and SBC. The 24v power supply feeds the controller board (Black Box in your case).

    There is a wire from the controller board to control the VFD, and a wire from the VFD to the spindle.
  15. Ryan Matthes


    Aug 18, 2019
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    Thank you that’s what I thought. I just wasn’t sure thanks.
  16. Ryan Matthes


    Aug 18, 2019
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    I might more questions down the road on this topic. Lol
  17. Mark Tollitt


    Aug 20, 2020
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    Hi all, I can not get my spindle to turn on and run using BB :-( I have run the spindle using the VFD control panel and it functions correctly.

    I have followed Josh Lambeth's video and added the recommended parameters to the VFD. My spindle is a 2.2KW water cooled spindle. Noted when I got to PD072 it states 50.00 in the instruction manual. Also PD079 - says Reserved should say null?

    I changed the VR pins to V1 as Josh stated in his video (Not sure what VR & V1 is?)

    I don't seem to get any commands when I send through BB, when I first power up the VFD it turns on automatically running at 6000 RPM, I had to press stop on the control panel of the VFD to stop the spindle?

    My plate on the spindle is:
    GDZ 80 -2.2
    2.2KW 220V 8.8A
    400 Hz 2400 RPM

    My VFD is:
    HY02D223B -220V - 2.2KW

    I am based in Melbourne Australia and our power is 220V as you know, perhaps some of the parameters are US as Josh is from USA, lol

    Hope you can help
    #17 Mark Tollitt, Sep 12, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2020
  18. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Work your way through your VFD manual, the automatic start etc all indicate parameters need some more work
  19. Mark Tollitt


    Aug 20, 2020
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    I will Peter thank you
  20. Dan C.

    Dan C. New

    Jan 15, 2021
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    I'm new at all this.......I have a YL 620 VFD 110 volt. I would like to know how to wire my openbuilds black box to my VFD in order to control my spindle speed in openbuilds software. also how to program my VFD for openbuilds
    Thank You
  21. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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  22. Dan C.

    Dan C. New

    Jan 15, 2021
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    I have a new vfd......hy02d211b 110 volt 2.2kw. i do i wire and program this for openbuilds. Thank you for your time, Dan
  23. Giarc

    Giarc OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jan 24, 2015
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  24. Dan C.

    Dan C. New

    Jan 15, 2021
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    hi i just hooked up my black box and power supply and pluged in my usb from the black box, but openbuilds software in not able to recognizing the port. I've tried other things in that usb port to make sure it works and it's working. i'm running windows
  25. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Make sure your USB cable is a cable that can also transfer data. Some/many cables are only for charging and cannot transmit data and then the device will not recognize the port.
  26. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    See docs:blackbox:faq-usb-connection-failed [OpenBuilds Documentation]
  27. MED3D

    MED3D New

    May 27, 2021
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    Hi,,,! fans may also be interested in this original factory setting VFD YL 600- YL620-A-

    Attached Files:

  28. SupaCraig12


    Aug 17, 2019
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    I wired in and programmed my VFD just like Josh does in the video. I believe the only difference between the video and my VFD is mine is 2.2 kW. I've changed my GRBL min/max rpm settings. I've reset and reprogrammed my VFD multiple times. When sending an M3 command the spindle turns on and when sending the M5 command the spindle turns off. But I cannot for the life of me figure out why when I send an M3 S***** command why it won't regulate to the called out RPM. it just maxes out every time to 24000. I've changed my GRBL settings to a lower maximum of 18000 and it sill maxes out to 24000 which leads me to believe its a VFD setting. I feel like its a simple programming error somewhere but I can't find it anywhere in my VFD book or I am not understanding what the book is trying to tell me.

    VFD used: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07H4FNLR3/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    Wiring1.jpg Wiring2.jpg Wiring3.jpg Wiring4.jpg

    Thanks in advance for all the continued help this forum provides...
  29. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    That would be the VFD parameter that sets the source of the speed input to 0-10v. Do you have a PDF link to your exact VFD's manual?
  30. SupaCraig12


    Aug 17, 2019
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    Still working on finding a .pdf of the manual. I've found other manuals from Huanyang but none listing this exact model number. The model is HY02D211B

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