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New day new errors

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by Chainyank, Oct 31, 2017.

  1. Chainyank

    Chainyank New

    Nov 14, 2016
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    So I found an old Mac that could get UGS running on it to start testing my ox cnc. Now a new problem. I am getting a string of "ID 33" errors and this makes the head jump over major parts of multi part jobs. I'm guessing this is a known issue and I'm in the process of shaking it out but does anyone know a way to solve this problem?

    The g-code is made with makercam.com and in that it looks like the cutter works all edges, but in the visualizer in UGS the parts not made show up as red. I'm guessing that means something but I have not found a discription for the different color meanings.

    Total newb... sorry, but all help is welcome at the moment!

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  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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