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error 9 ??

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by ROY DAVIES, Nov 27, 2020.



    Nov 22, 2020
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    hi there and thanks in anticipation

    Ive finally got my workbee 1010 fired up and i can jog it zero it ..... cool

    but when i try and launch a run (like the open builds example) i get error 9 g code locked out during alarm or jig state........and dont work!

    any ideas

    cheers royston
  2. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    sharmstr likes this.
  3. Giarc

    Giarc OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jan 24, 2015
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    Are you homing it first and then setting your zero point where you want it?
    sharmstr likes this.
  4. Donald Oehlke


    Apr 8, 2019
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    Good morning, I am trying to run a job and keep getting the Error 9. I have homed my machine and gone to the work zero. As soon as I try to run a job I get the error 9. I have closed the program and reconnected and restarted GRBL. I then went through the same homing and work process and the error continues. I don't think it's EMI because I don't have anything running except the WorkBee. I have tried turning of the hard and soft limits but nothing changes. Everything was running fine before today but for some reason it doesn't want to work today. Any suggestions?
  5. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Error 9 always accompanies an earlier alarm. Take a screenshot of the error (or read the Alarm message on the same window yourself) - we'd need the alarm message (not the code, just post a screenshot much easier) to tell you what the Alarm was, that locked out Grbl, resulting in Error 9 telling you you are locked out.
  6. Donald Oehlke


    Apr 8, 2019
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    Thanks for the response but now I have a different problem. Now my home all button is not lit so I can't home my machine. It seems every time I turn my router on I get a different problem. Screenshot 2023-01-26 165619.png
  7. Giarc

    Giarc OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jan 24, 2015
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    Did you turn Hard limits back on? I believe you need that for homing
  8. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Grbl Settings tab > Turn Homing Cycle back on
  9. Donald Oehlke


    Apr 8, 2019
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    Hi Peter, Got the homing to work but now I am getting this error message again:

    Attached Files:

  10. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    That means

    - You forgot to Home (Rehome to be certain - homing can become undone after resets, reconnects, alarms, errors, etc)
    - You homed, but your Homing Directions or Max Travel is setup incorrectly (the box outline in the 3D viewer will give you some clues if thats the case)
    - Your job really does exceed the machine envelope - remember travel moves are constrained too - so check those too - if tries to move above the work for travel moves and that is CAM'ed up too high, or you are trying to cut through the stock and your Z max travel is set too short - it could restrict cutting down low enough etc

    Honestly though, turn off Soft Limits. If you are really paranoid of crashing, rather order another 3 switches, wire them in parallel as show in our docs - and take the easy way out :)
    Soft Limits are an advanced feature requiring one to have a little think about the invisible Machine Coordinates. Physical endstops are just way easier. We don't enable Soft Limits in any of our profiles, you have turned it on - but its not something you want to use
  11. Donald Oehlke


    Apr 8, 2019
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    This is getting to be my worst nightmare. I have everything working properly when it comes to homing and moving my machine around the table. My x-, y- and z- all move away from the home switches. I have tried turning off my soft limits and it makes no difference. I have tried the additional limit switches but the machine just crashes into them and has to be turned off to move them off the switch (probably a setting I don't know how to set). Now when I go to the work zero and try to run a job, the z axis goes in the positive direction (which is up on my machine and crashes the limit switch) This is something new as I have run this program before with no problem. I am using V-Carve Pro as my CAM program and have had success using it before on this machine with the blackbox. Now for some reason as I mentioned before, it seems every time I turn the machine off (everything ran perfectly) for the day and return the next day something has gone wrong where it won't home or move in any direction. I don't know what can be causing this but it is not EMI because I am testing without anything running except the WorkBee. I have tried everything including starting over, resetting the GRBL, resetting the Blackbox but nothing seems to work. I even un-installed the software and reinstalled for a fresh start but that didn't work either. I am more than happy to listen to what may be the problem but I can't understand why I can use it one day and it works great and the next day when I turn it on it won't even home. I don't know if the Blackbox is malfunctioning but if we can't get it to work, I'll have to change to a different system. Very frustrating.
  12. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Depends where you installed the switches? At axis maximas? (Back, Right, Top)?

    Would definately make a difference: Wouldn't show you the error message you asked about - to which the reply was

    You'll have to diagnose and note down your steps there - it cannot magically stop working - so go over what you do differently. Forgetting to home, forgetting to turn on a PSU, etc If nothing moves it sounds like its not properly turned on
  13. Donald Oehlke


    Apr 8, 2019
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    I have read all the articles about homing. I home, or should I say try to home, every time I turn the machine on. That is not my problem. You say that what I mentioned doesn't happen, well I can tell you from my end that it does. I can understand your perception of the Blackbox, but sometimes there is a bad box and this seems to be one. Everything I have told you is a fact and as I mentioned, I have tried everything including restoring from backup where all functions were working perfectly but that didn't even help. I really liked the Blackbox when I first got it but now I have second thoughts. I hope you can understand my frustrations and hopefully you stand behind you products.
  14. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    I don't a see a mention of how you are generating your Gcode, nor an attached Gcode file for us to check so I am guessing.
    if you are using Fusion360 and the Openbuilds postprocessor, then crashing Z+ is because the offset in the post options is not negative, or not negative enough.
    The default is -10mm though you can go closer to most switches without triggering them, but you CANNOT go postiive and you cannot go to Z0.
    This is because of the way GRBL finds home, 0 is the trigger point and returning to 0 will denifitely trigger the limit.
  15. Donald Oehlke


    Apr 8, 2019
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    I am using grbl in V-Carve Pro as mentioned in an earlier message. I have applied all the suggestions Openbuilds has given me and nothing changes. I believe it to be a bad box but you don’t seem to agree. It use be fine and I could run different grbl's from V-Carve Pro on the machine and everything was great. I would turn the machine off at the end of the day and when I came back the next morning and turned it on there were problems. You say the box shouldn't do that but it is. I hope you don't think I enjoy emailing back in forth with Openbuilds because all I am trying to do is solve a problem I am having and right now my machine is not working.This box is faulty and if you can't fix it or send me a new box I will try something else as no suggestions you have sent me have worked.
  16. Donald Oehlke


    Apr 8, 2019
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    error 9

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  17. Giarc

    Giarc OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jan 24, 2015
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    Error 9 is a homing cycle error or something is causing your machine to believe the limit/homing switches may have been triggered. GRBL isn't able to find one of the homing switches, likely because of a wiring issue, faulty switch, or it could be EMI causing your switches to falsely trigger. Did you set up homing when you entered your grbl settings?
  18. Donald Oehlke


    Apr 8, 2019
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    Yes I did set up homing in grbl and the machine homes perfectly. When I move it to the machine position and set the the machine position to zero. I lift the Z axis up a little to clear. I then try to run a job and that's when I get the error. Here are my grbl settings for my CNC

    Attached Files:

  19. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    On the Grbl Settings tab - Set SOFT LIMITS to DISABLED. Click Save and click RESET when prompted. You are not ready to use Soft Limits yet

    Also if you'd like us to check Grbl Settings for you, please don't post screenshots. Make use of the Backup Settings button on the top toolbar in the Grbl Settings Tab of CONTROL to give us an easily readable text version, thanks. I have not checked your other settings, but from the Soft Limits error, please take the advice to turn it off. Soft Limits needs an in depth understanding of the Machine Coordinate System, which you do not yet need to deal with

    What kind of drive system do you have? 1000 steps per mm sounds wrong - unless its like a 1.6mm pitch leadscrew?
  20. Don O

    Don O New

    Mar 28, 2019
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    Thanks for the reply. I will turn off the soft limits tomorrow and see what happens. The parts store has reviewed my correspondence and is sending me a new Blackbox so I will wait to turn off the soft limits until I get the new Blackbox set up. When I get everything done I will backup the grbl setting for you to review and will let you know when when I have sent them. Also, I am not clear why all of a sudden this is happening because I have used the soft limits before and everything ran fine. To me its a little confusing but I will follow your advice. Thanks again and I will be in touch.
  21. Don O

    Don O New

    Mar 28, 2019
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    Also, I am running a screw drive and my bed is approximately 30” (X) x 36” (Y). The screw I am using are the ones purchased from the openbuilds part store but I don’t know the pitch. My motors are 1.8 if that means anything. I have it set at 1000 because when I run the step calculator it says to run it at 250. When I set it at 250 it moves at a snail pace when I home it. That’s why I have it set to 1000 as it moves much faster.
  22. Giarc

    Giarc OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jan 24, 2015
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    Everything will be cut inaccurately by a factor of 4. You should read the GRBL wiki so you understand what each setting does. If it moves slow, speed up the max speed you allow it to run at. All of that info on how to make it cut accurately and at the speed you want is here:

    Grbl v1.1 Configuration

    Also, jog at a higher speed to near the limit switches then start the homing sequence.
  23. Donald Oehlke


    Apr 8, 2019
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    Screenshot 2023-02-14 114819.png Screenshot 2023-02-14 114856.png I just received my new Blackbox 32 and have it installed. I am running Openbuilds
    Xtension Limit Switch Kits on all my axis's. I have checked all my connections on the switches but they all show triggered but are not. Even when I press the limit switch nothing changes as they show as off. I don't know how to change this as I have tried to move wires to a different position on the switches but that didn't change anything. I was going to go in and change the settings you recommended but my grbl settings tab is not displayed. All I can see is Machine Control and Troubleshooting. I don't show a tab to restore from backup. What should I do?
  24. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    That's showing Triggered because you don't have a machine profile loaded yet

    If the Grbl Settings tab does not display, try disconnect, connect again. That computer is a nice fast one or an old slow one?
  25. Donald Oehlke


    Apr 8, 2019
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    Thanks Peter, I now have the grbl tab but can only get the x and y axis to off. I have tried different numbers on the $5 but can't seem to get the z axis to turn off. Any suggestions?
  26. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Use our machine profiles please. If you try "random numbers" we'll all just have a bad time
    Our profiles sets the defaults to expected values FOR YOU. You don't need to do it manually! Select a machine, from the list. Most similar to yours is a good starting point. You said you have our Leadscrews right, so use a LEAD1010 profile for example if its appropriate - I don't think you've ever shown us your machine so I can't tell you which is "most similar" but if you need help with that post some photos of your machine
  27. Donald Oehlke


    Apr 8, 2019
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    Hi Peter, I have everything up and running with a couple of adjustments I need to make. I have checked the continuity of my e-stop button and it breaks the circuit like it's suppose to but when I plug it into the door setting it doesn't trip. Is there a setting for that in the grbl? I have everything running and it's homing perfectly, but the speed at which the tool moves is extremely slow. I have moved the feed rate up but it doesn't change the speed. Is there also a setting for that? I have backed up my settings like you asked so you can look at them. Thanks and I lokk forward to hearing from you.
  28. Giarc

    Giarc OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jan 24, 2015
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    Is it traveling slow when cutting, or when you are manually jogging it around. If your maximum feed rate in the GRBL settings is low, then it will move slow no matter what. For more info see the grbl link below. Particularly

    Particularly $110, $111, and $112 Grbl v1.1 Configuration
  29. Donald Oehlke


    Apr 8, 2019
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    I read everything from the link you sent me and applied everything. I have tried different speeds but these are the ones that work best for me. X=8000, Y=6000 and Z=900. The machine homes perfectly and I can move all the axis's with no problem. When I go to a spot and set work zero, I move it off work zero, and then when I hit go to work zero if accelerates at such a speed that it almost slams into the work zero coordinates. Now when I start a job, the feed rate is very slow even when I increase the feed rate in the machine control it doesn't make a difference. Even when I change the feed rate the gray box below says 0mm/min. I don't know how change that as I don't see a feed rate in the grbl as you mentioned. Also, I still don't see a spot to activate the e-stop button as it doesn't do anything when pressed. I checked it in the troubleshooting tab but it jut says off where all my limit switches work just fine and show triggered. I hooked the e-stop up to my old up to my old blackbox and it triggers just fine but it doesn't work on the new box. I need to get this fixed as when the machine takes off at a high speed from the home position to the work position it scares the hell out me as its moving really fast and crashes into the work zero. I have backed up my settings so I am not sure how to get those to you to review the settings.
  30. Giarc

    Giarc OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jan 24, 2015
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    How did you create the gcode for your job? What feed rate did you specify in your CAM software for your cutting tool?

    For example, when I generate gcode with my CAM software, the endmills I use to cut wood are all set to 2500 mm/min with a cutting depth of 1/2 the diameter.

    You have fairly high maximum feed rates for X and Y. That is fine as long as it is not occasionally stalling and loosing steps. I have my max set to 5000mm/min, but my Xand Z gantries are about 37 pounds combined.

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