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CNC Machine connected to Aluminium Extrusion Table?

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by Edgar7, Feb 25, 2021.

  1. Edgar7

    Edgar7 New

    Feb 25, 2021
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    Hello Open Build Users

    this is my first post.

    I want to build a CNC machine, probably the WorkBee size 1000 x 1000
    And obviously I need a table for that machine.
    I think about building a table from aluminium extrusions like 20/20 20/40 up to 40/40 extrusions.
    So far I think that is not unusual.

    Now my idea/question
    I saw that some professional woodworker use something like the Festool domino to connect boards.
    An expensive tool from Festool is used to cut holes in the side of wooden boards i.e. MDF.


    Now I think it should be easy to cut those holes precisely into boards if the boards could be placed vertically into a CNC machine. Roughly like this:

    Now back to my idea about that table under the CNC machine from aluminium extrusions.
    I guess it should be easy to build a table with aluminium extrusions and connect that table with the CNC machine. So basically the table and the machine are one unit.

    And then I guess it should be possible to clamp a wooden board vertically into that machine/table so that the CNC router is able to cut holes into the edge of the board.

    Does that work? Did anybody try it? Do I overcomplicate things?

    Thanks for any ideas.

  2. sharmstr

    sharmstr OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 23, 2018
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    Its all possible for sure. Not sure if you've seen them, but OpenBuilds now has machine tables: OpenBuilds Modular Table Series There was a discussion a few months ago about attaching a machine directly to it.

    I cant remember seeing any posts here about mounting stock off the front of the machine in order to cut the end of boards, but I see it done in videos and on Instagram all the time. I actually had plans to add it to my workbee, but it would have been inside the machine frame, not in front of it. If you google image search something like 'cnc router box joint' you'll get some ideas.
    Edgar7 likes this.
  3. Steven Bloom

    Steven Bloom Journeyman

    Dec 18, 2014
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    Look at avid cnc for example. There table is tge cnc
    Edgar7 likes this.

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