This has been designed to suit the Dewalt 611 - suggestion for strength is to print in current orientation at 100% infill - possibly at slightly higher temp than normal to ensure best layer bonding as the router will generate a lot of force and vibration when in use.
The Brace that the bracket goes onto will allow direct mounting to 3 vertically aligned Linear pillow blocks - int he same configuration as supplied on such 3d printers as the Anet A8. The Slots on either side allow for a movement of up to 48mm:
and 98mm:
(two different models supplied.)
So although you will use Z-axis steppers for raise and lowers - this allows you to get best Fine adjustment depending on your Max CNC/printer height.
This has been designed for a Cartesian X/Y CNC with horizontal slides, however I have a Bracket which emulates the Pillow Block assembly.
Dewalt611 Bracket 1.2
Dewalt611 Bracket to suit 3 pillow block X-axis vertical aligned rods