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OpenBuilds WorkBee 1010

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by Mark Carew, Jun 15, 2018.

  1. Keith Kimura


    Jun 26, 2018
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    Which GRBL lines are those?
  2. Keith Kimura


    Jun 26, 2018
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    $100, $101, and $102 = 199.1
  3. Giarc

    Giarc OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jan 24, 2015
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    That is what they roughly "should" be. If you havent already, now you need to figure out what they actually are. Now the fun math comes. I used a long metric ruler to do mine. I figured the farther I sent it the more error I would see. If you have already seen and done this, then disregard. The formulas are in the video.

    GrayUK likes this.
  4. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    I must say your particular problem isnt one i've seen yet. But before jumping too far, i have a suggested methodology of how to go about tracing the problem's root cause.
    1) Start off by enabling the motors all the time (Setting $1=255) gnea/grbl (seeting it to 255 stops Grbl from disabling the motors when not in use
    2) With that setting applied (you may need to reset the board with the reset button to have it take effect) your motors should be in a locked state on startup.
    2.1) With the idle state locked motors, grab your spindle and firmly give it some wiggle, check and listen closely for things that move that shouldnt. It shouldnt deflect, if it does, you'll have to feel/listen/sense through and see if the spindle is properly mounted in the mount, if the mount is proper on the Z carriage, if the Z carriage is firm against the Z Rail, if the the Z rail if firm against the X Carriage...etc etc (You get the picture, work your way back from the endmill - somewhere you may have some backlash coming into play). Check belt-tension, setscrews on the pulleys, setscrews on shaft couplers, antibacklash leadnut adjustment screws, wheel tension, etc. Something probably went loose is my personal bet
    2.2) Also do some basic calibration plots. The classic Grids and Circle-Square-Diamond (Make Your Mill More Precise with Circles, Squares, and Diamonds) CAD files, but instead of a spindle, use a sharpie. Eliminating cutting forces and their weird effects, just using a sharpie first, allows you to see if its CAD/CAM or Hardware (Since its way lighter loads to drag a sharpie, if your test patterns draw accurately you know the GCODE is spot-on. Then, you know 2.1 above needs more checking. But if it's also off by just dragging a little sharpie, maybe its GCODE / Post processor related, etc)
    Mark Carew likes this.
  5. stargeezer

    stargeezer Journeyman

    Feb 20, 2015
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    Hi gang, I've finished my build and now it's time for all the hard stuff - solving any problems. The last one is a problem with the Z axis that results in a loud growl and uncontrolled movement whenever it is activated. X and Y axis is smooth as silk, but the Z is really a random mess. I've changed the stepper, the driver, I have even changed the BOB from the X pro to a BOB I was more familiar with and Mach3 software - no change. I'm trying to link a video of it in operation.

    Any suggestions?
  6. evalon

    evalon New

    Jul 6, 2018
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    @stargeezer: Hi ... First I'd like to say that I am not an expert on CNC machines, however, I have a background in e.g. electronics engineering. And reading what you write:

    I am thinking:

    - might it be that the wires to the stepper motor are not correctly connected,
    - or the impulses going either to the stepper driver or to the stepper motor itself somehow gets distorted? Again, treading carefully here, it sounds to me as if the impulses the z-axis stepper motor receives could be "contradictory" or out of timing - thus not leading to a controlled movement but noise and an uncontrolled movement ... Long wires? Wires that are not conducted/lead to this particular axis the same way as to the other two axes ... ?

    Again, not an expert on CNC machines so just thinking aloud here ;)


  7. Keith Kimura


    Jun 26, 2018
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    It's been a while since I posted. I've spent about 40 hours so far troubleshooting this 1010. I'm sure it's my lack of knowledge (or just stupidity). I've torn down and rebuilt portions of the machine several times now to try to fix some of my cut problems (finding a lot of screws and nuts coming loose, then trying to tighten them and stripping out the heads or the nuts, arghh!). Can't figure out if it's the machine, or the controller, or the software because I don't know enough to determine where the problems are coming from; pretty much at a loss but just forging ahead trying to make do just so I can make enough parts to demonstrate to investors for my new business. I figure once I get my prototypes built I can take the time I need to fix these issues.I removed the Limit Switches cuz I couldn't get them to work and so they were just getting in the way so setting my Zero manually with every sheet that I cut. Wasted a few parts cuz the Z Axis would plunge into the workpiece unexpectedly while moving to the next location. So now I set the Zero position, turn the controller off to erase the memory, restart UGS, reset Zero, run a test of the toolpath without any tool to see if it does anything crazy, then if it looks good, power everything down again, restart, install the router bit, hit "play" and pray! There's about a 3mm variance between my CAD designs and what the Workbee cuts so I redesigned the CAD model with an additional 3mm gap between all the parts - but still getting fit problems which results in manually routing the parts to get them to fit. Not getting any "clean" parts cuz wherever I place a tab the bit cuts into part slightly creating a little 'divot' in the edge. I know it will get better but right now I have more negatives than I do positives.
  8. evalon

    evalon New

    Jul 6, 2018
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    Hi Keith ... I would first like to say that I am new to CNC so please take what I write as an "expression of good intentions" that do not yet have that much experience to draw on ...

    However, when reading your descriptions of your challenges with the CNC I am thinking that if it were me I would try to make things as simple as possible. As it is I am also currently assembling a WorkBee and am using Estlcam (free to try - as I understand it it will just work slower from use to use until a license is bought, 49 Euros cost) and an Arduino Uno.

    I Set it up yesterday and with a little help from e.g. people in this forum it now appears to work reliably. Needs adjustment and calibration but the axes are moving as they should ... And, again not having had the time to gain much experience with the actual use of the machine, the setup of Estlcam, the Arduino, wires etc. appears to be quite straightforward. As far as I can see no programming is needed. Just mentioning it in case it may be interesting to you.

    In any case good luck with your endeavours ;)

  9. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Keith, I don't think it's a good idea to remove the limit switches. On my machine I have 6 of them. One on each end of the three axie! I don't use the limit switches for homing. I use them in case I ever have a machine runaway (never had one so far, thank goodness) or if I overzealously jog past the machine's constraints (did that a few times :(). I always place my material in the middle, more or less, of the bed so I have to home it manually and that's why I don't use the switches for homing.
    Scotty Orr likes this.
  10. stargeezer

    stargeezer Journeyman

    Feb 20, 2015
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    WOW! This has been a tough nut to crack, but as of 3am last night I finally have correct and smooth movement in all three axis. Turned out I had changed out a control board to fix one problem while another issue was hidden by a problem with a stepper motor.

    Now I can move on to the limit switches.

    Be well all and stay grounded!
  11. Keith Kimura


    Jun 26, 2018
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    Hey Larry, what was the reason for the control board change? I'm having problems with my Workbee and can't figure out if it's UGS or the xPro Controller (or even fusion 360's G-Code). I can't get consistent cuts when I run the same tool path repeatedly and my finished product is, on average, 3mm off from my design on diagonal cuts. I get unexpected plunges of the tool into the workpiece, etc.
  12. stargeezer

    stargeezer Journeyman

    Feb 20, 2015
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    Hi Keith, I confess to swapping the XPro for a different board just because it was an unknown factor for me. I was very familiar with the board I replaced it with and Mach3 and decided to eliminate a variable. Now that I have a working machine, I will back up and study the XPro. I must be clear about one point, the XPro was not faulty in any way, the swap was to only give me a board and software that had known qualities as I resolved other problems.

    I've been following your problems and wish I could help. Are you cutting files you have drawn or are they drawings created by somebody else? The reason I ask is that if these are drawings that other people have cut with no errors, you can eliminate one source of errors in your cuts. Next, I'd make a few simple drawings to cut out, skip dovetails or gears as you troubleshoot, a square box can give you more useful data than a large drawing you can't find which lines are actually out of the relationship with another.
  13. Gobi

    Gobi New

    Aug 17, 2018
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    I'm starting a new build and been wondering between Ox and Workbee 1010. I might go with the Ox, but as I studied drawings for Workbee I noticed one part that that I can't figure out.


    Part on the right, does it go on the corners of X axis?

    As there are drawings for these builds I might as well have them laser cut and milled, I have metal workshop at my disposal and can have them make the parts almost at the cost of materials. Do they have to be 3 and 6mm aluminium? Stainless steel would be better, though using 6mm stainless would be unnecessary because of the weight.
    #103 Gobi, Aug 18, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2018
  14. SugarJ

    SugarJ Well-Known

    Nov 16, 2015
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  15. Gobi

    Gobi New

    Aug 17, 2018
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    I found it on the drawings, thanks. That part is belt tensioner and unnecessary with screw driven router.

    #105 Gobi, Aug 20, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2018
  16. Jonathon C


    Oct 13, 2015
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    Hello all! I have been looking into a CNC router for a good while now and finally pulled the trigger last night and ordered a workbee 1010. Woot! I have some minor questions as I await my package to build.
    I ordered the xpro controller, what are you guys doing for enclosures?
    How much drag chain should I order?
    Anyone have the bluetooth module on their xpro?
    Sorry, I will lay off for a minute. Just excited to join you all!
  17. TrishC

    TrishC OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Hi Jonathon. Congratulations on your WorkBee 1010. We love the excitement!

    We are putting together a wiring and software video and parts list and will be releasing it shortly. Please watch for an email in your inbox with more details.

    Thank you,
    Jonathon C likes this.
  18. Travis Macken


    May 9, 2016
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    I used 2 meters of drag chain on my build. As for the enclosure for the X-pro, I 3d printed the mount for the workbee, from the ooznest plans on thingiverse. I also used their 3d printed parts for my drag chain mounts as well.

    So the additional stuff I had to buy to complete the kit with 3d printed parts are

    more 18awg shielded wire, to extend the motors wires, as well as the endstops.
    24v 30x30x10 mm fans for cooling the X-pro,
    a 24v power supply (optional power switch for the power supply, and voltage meter display)
    All the hardware necessary to attach the X-pro to the 3d printed pieces and and the v-slot.

    I have added pics of the X-pro attached to my machine, please note it was upside down, so I had to flip it to get clearance. Last pic is of my machine on the table I build. All other pictures are of things I have cut with the machine. The brass looking thing, is actually an aluminum kick plate from Home depot, the coasters are walnut, and the clock is a vinyl record album.

    Good luck with your build.


    Attached Files:

    #108 Travis Macken, Aug 28, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2018
  19. Jonathon C


    Oct 13, 2015
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    That is really helpful! Thank you Travis.

    I will definitely get started on ordering these things.
    Your projects are awesome too.
    I am looking to cut a variety of things, but with Halloween a couple of months away I am looking to start with foam carvings of custom tombstones. Of course I have a pinterest list of other projects after I get some practice and things dialed in.
    Would love to also add Laser to this unit in the future.

    Thanks all
  20. Maxdd

    Maxdd New

    Jul 21, 2016
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    Hi Everybody!

    I think this was asked earlier in the thread but unsure if there was an answer. Why are the high torque series NEMA 23s not offered as an option in the machine configurator?

    Also, as a C-Beam XL machine owner, other than larger y-axis size, is the worker Bee considered a stronger machine?

  21. joe williams

    joe williams Well-Known

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Perhaps it's mostly about having a simpler set of choices? One could always buy just the mechanical package and then separately buy the higher torque motors with appropriate drivers and controller.
    Rick 2.0 likes this.
  22. stargeezer

    stargeezer Journeyman

    Feb 20, 2015
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    In my opinion, the higher torque stepper motors are not really needed for the workbee. Adding the extra current demands of the larger stepper motors may require the use of the 542 drivers, adding to the complexity of the build without any real gain in performance. I did build my workbee with the high torque steppers, but now have the lower torque motors on the machine. I'm very comfortable working with external drivers like the 542 that OB sells and originally built my workbee with them as I have with several other machines. I've been playing with the design to see just how light a stepper motor it will work with - so far the same motors I placed on a large 3D printer work fine. Don't worry about needing more power.
    Jonathon C and Rick 2.0 like this.
  23. Jonathon C


    Oct 13, 2015
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    Ok everyone, I have it built, wired, and running mostly. I used ChilliPeppr to run it through its first movements. I was able to use GRBL Panel to set all of the parameters in the CNC Xpro V3 controller. I used a Sharpie clamped to the router clamp assembly. But when I ran the Gcode, I got the chillipeppr logo reversed, and on a much smaller scale. About 3.5 inches wide. When I use Chillipeppr to preview the actions it shows the tool scarcely moving within the preview of the logo. I am sure it is a setting somewhere that I havent found yet, I just havent figured out if it is withing ChilliPeppr or the GRBL settings of the Controller. Any help would be appreciated.
  24. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jun 28, 2013
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    First congratulations on your build! :thumbsup:
    I would first make sure that the unit of measure (mm or inch) you are using for working up the toolpathing is the same as what you are using in your control software.
    Second I would check that you are set to the correct steps per unit for your driver board. So for instance if your board is set for 1/8th steps your controllers firmware should match.
    Also be sure to check out the all new OpenBuilds CAM and OpenBuilds CONTROL software as you may find it works for you.
    Hope this helps
  25. ChadRat6458


    Dec 10, 2014
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    Hey Mark,
    Do you have any problems with whip? Especially on the X axis. I am building a sphinx. The X axis had terrible whip until I put some tension on it.
  26. Mike Rodriguez


    Sep 28, 2018
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    Hi, I was told there is a video on how to assemble the Workbee 1010 electronics. I've searched your web site and YouTube and I can't find it. Could you give me a link to the video? Thanks Mike
  27. joe williams

    joe williams Well-Known

    Nov 9, 2015
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  28. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Update on the WorkBee 1010 Build. The new wiring and software video is up so follow along with this simple Build Video and get your WorkBee 1010 Wired up and Running!
    This video covers all the bases from the limit switches to the drag chains, the driver board OpenCase mounting plates and the spindle LED ring!
    You can grab the wiring kit in and check the video the Part Store - Wiring Kit OpenBuilds WorkBee 1010
  29. John Mayer


    Aug 17, 2018
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    Greetings all,

    With all the help I have received I was finally able to finished assembling my Workbee, I have not test it with an actual cut yet. I did run the Hello world Gcode and it's moving with no issues. I have noticed some movements on the Z axis, like if it was loose. (Wiggling) I made sure that everything is tight but it didn't seems it was the issue. Does anyone know how to fix this or it's a regular flaw with the workbee design?

  30. sharmstr

    sharmstr OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 23, 2018
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    Looks like you need to adjust your wheels. Check out this video:

    John Mayer likes this.

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