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xPro V3 GRBL 1.1 and higher?

Discussion in 'Controller Boards' started by JamieW, Mar 8, 2017.

  1. JamieW

    JamieW New

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Hello- Have just finished a build, am using Fusion 360's CAM module to generate generic GRBL that simulates fine. When run, Universal G-Code Sender returns error ID 36 on most lines of the code. The toolpath is a very straightforward 2D contour. Could the issue be the GRBL version, which is now a couple of years old? GRBL is in beta for version 2 - I have 0.9j (or i, can't remember). Is xPro V3 compatible with newer versions of GRBL, such as 1.x? Someone has asked this question on the wiki, and no response. Hoped I might get some info here, thanks.

    Also, any info on error ID 36 would be helpful, of course.
  2. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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  3. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    sadly, the grbl post supplied with Fusion360 is not very good at all.
    Here is a better one
    GitHub - Strooom/GRBL-Post-Processor: Start

    and yes, UPGRADE to the latest GRBL (or at least the last 0.9), and don't forget to upgrade your GUI as well if you go to GRBL 1.1, since not all GUI's support the new communication codes.
    GRBL-panel and UGS and Candle work well so far.

    Please post the Gcode, I am interested to see what the actual problem is.
  4. JamieW

    JamieW New

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Ok, great, will try Stroom. Code is below - very simple code to start, cutting a 180mm doughnut out of 5mm plywood. Thanks very much for the responses.

    (T1 D=6 CR=0 - ZMIN=-5 - flat end mill)
    G90 G94
    G28 G91 Z0

    (2D Contour3)
    T1 M6
    S20000 M3
    G0 X125.2 Y89.4
    G1 Z1 F500
    Z-3.5 F20
    X126.4 F500
    G3 X127 Y90 J0.6
    X126.51 Y96 I-37
    G1 Z-5 F20
    G3 X106.989 Y122.869 I-36.51 J-6 F500
    G1 Z-3.5
    G3 X95.576 Y126.577 I-16.989 J-32.869
    G1 Z-5 F20
    G3 X63.989 Y116.314 I-5.576 J-36.577 F500
    G1 Z-3.5
    G3 X56.936 Y106.606 I26.011 J-26.314
    G1 Z-5 F20
    G3 Y73.394 I33.064 J-16.606 F500
    G1 Z-3.5
    G3 X63.989 Y63.686 I33.064 J16.606
    G1 Z-5 F20
    G3 X95.576 Y53.423 I26.011 J26.314 F500
    G1 Z-3.5
    G3 X106.989 Y57.131 I-5.576 J36.577
    G1 Z-5 F20
    G3 X126.51 Y84 I-16.989 J32.869 F500
    G1 Z-3.5
    G3 X127 Y90 I-36.51 J6
    X126.4 Y90.6 I-0.6
    G1 X125.2
    G0 Z5
    G1 Z1 F500
    Z-3.5 F20
    X183.6 F500
    G3 X183 Y90 J-0.6
    G2 X182.806 Y84 I-93
    G1 Z-5 F20
    G2 X171.317 Y44.873 I-92.806 J6 F500
    G1 Z-3.5
    G2 X164.83 Y34.778 I-81.317 J45.127
    G1 Z-5 F20
    G2 X134.011 Y8.073 I-74.83 J55.222 F500
    G1 Z-3.5
    G2 X123.095 Y3.088 I-44.011 J81.927
    G1 Z-5 F20
    G2 X82.731 Y-2.716 I-33.095 J86.912 F500
    G1 Z-3.5
    G2 X70.853 Y-1.008 I7.269 J92.716
    G1 Z-5 F20
    G2 X33.759 Y15.933 I19.147 J91.008 F500
    G1 Z-3.5
    G2 X24.69 Y23.791 I56.241 J74.067
    G1 Z-5 F20
    G2 X2.643 Y58.097 I65.31 J66.209 F500
    G1 Z-3.5
    G2 X-0.737 Y69.61 I87.357 J31.903
    G1 Z-5 F20
    G2 Y110.39 I90.737 J20.39 F500
    G1 Z-3.5
    G2 X2.643 Y121.904 I90.737 J-20.39
    G1 Z-5 F20
    G2 X24.69 Y156.209 I87.357 J-31.904 F500
    G1 Z-3.5
    G2 X33.759 Y164.067 I65.31 J-66.209
    G1 Z-5 F20
    G2 X70.853 Y181.008 I56.241 J-74.067 F500
    G1 Z-3.5
    G2 X82.731 Y182.716 I19.147 J-91.008
    G1 Z-5 F20
    G2 X123.095 Y176.912 I7.269 J-92.716 F500
    G1 Z-3.5
    G2 X134.011 Y171.927 I-33.095 J-86.912
    G1 Z-5 F20
    G2 X164.83 Y145.223 I-44.011 J-81.927 F500
    G1 Z-3.5
    G2 X171.317 Y135.127 I-74.83 J-55.223
    G1 Z-5 F20
    G2 X182.806 Y96 I-81.317 J-45.127 F500
    G1 Z-3.5
    G2 X183 Y90 I-92.806 J-6
    G3 X183.6 Y89.4 I0.6
    G1 X184.8
    G0 Z15
    G28 G91 Z0
    G28 X0 Y0
  5. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    apart from the T1 M6 which GRBL cannot handle, just comment it out, I see no errors running in GRLB v1.1
  6. JamieW

    JamieW New

    Sep 7, 2016
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    David- Thanks so much for your replies. I downloaded and tried Strooom GRBL post-processor. Still shows errors - the same errors. In looking at the code, it is identical to the code from the Fusion 360 generic GRBL post, other than using G53 and not G28. In looking over the errors (which all say ID 36), I discovered that they only show for lines of code with I, J, or K codes - arcs. Straight moves show ok. I wish I could print or save the logs from UGS, but can't find a way to do that. Any thoughts?
    #6 JamieW, Mar 12, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2017
  7. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    What do you get from a $I command to GRBL?

    I ran your code through a test Arduino with v1.1 loaded and there were no issues so I think you have an old version of GRBL. Upgrading is easy, just follow the instructions on the wiki
    Compiling Grbl · gnea/grbl Wiki · GitHub
  8. JamieW

    JamieW New

    Sep 7, 2016
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    $I returns 0.9j.20150811 - the version for which Strooom was written, apparently. UGS is version 1.0.9. To be clear, the machine homes perfectly, returns to zero, moves properly in all axes - but UGS returns error ID 36 on any code I, J, K (machine does not move for these).
  9. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    error 36 means that there is an I J or K on a line WITHOUT a G2 or G3, or it means that on a line with an arc command I J or K is missing.

    your code has
    G3 X127 Y90 J0.6 ; J but no I
    X126.51 Y96 I-37 ; I but no J

    and 0.9 might be sensitive to that. I tested with V1.1 and it was happy. let me downgrade to 0.9 and see....
    now have [0.9j.20160726:] installed.... yours is a year behind....
    nope, no errors with your code.

    so, you need to upgrade GRBL
    make a note of your $$ settings before you upgrade!

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