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WIN the Ultimate PowerPack my C-Beam™ Machine for PCB milling

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by Carl van Heezik, Jan 8, 2018.

  1. Carl van Heezik


    Dec 27, 2017
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    This is my first CNC machine build that I like to use for PCB milling.

    I decided to use the C-Beam Machine Plate Maker as starting point. I build the machine using the build video during the x-mas holidays. The build is not finished yet but everything is operational. The first thing I like to add is a panic button.

    In the future I like to buy a DeWALT router for more demanding work. For now I think the Dremel 4000 wil work for PCB milling. I 3D printed an insert for the standard router mount to fit the Dremel. I designed and 3D printed a housing for the xPro and the end caps currently in blue.

    For PCB milling the bed levelling is essential. I saw that other builders use a mill to flatten the waste board. Is this the best way? Does anybody have experience with this?




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