Using tinyG and there a way to make chilipeppr move the router out of the way when a job finishes? I could manually edit each GCode file and add a final move, just wondering if there is an automated way...what do others do?
May have figured this one out...Probably the way to go is to use your CAM software...I use CAMBAM, and there is a MOP (machine operation) footer where I can "auto" insert a final move command or anything else that I want, turn the spindle off, stop vacuum, etc.
Well, it's a good thing you're inserting your own lines. G-code is really quite friendly when get the chance to talk to it.
why is Z negative? negative Z is normally 'cutting into the work'! note that in SketchUcam there are settings for doing this automatically. 'Use_Home_Height' and 'Use_End_Position' allow you to see a Z level and an XY position to go to at the end of the job.
Ha! Dont know why I typed negative Z! I used positive....but, come to find out, not an elegant solution, as if I have several operations on teh same part, CamBam puts the footer in each operation! Learning more and more GCode, pretty straightforward, as I develop permanent fiels, I will add any codes I need... Thanks ALL