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Welcome to OpenBuilds.com!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mark Carew, Aug 5, 2013.

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  1. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Welcome to OpenBuilds.com the all new open hardware sharing site!

    Hello fellow Builders,

    OpenBuilds.com is a unique place where makers can get together to share and discuss their latest creations with the world in the form of project builds so that others can build along as well. So we have been working hard to create a sharing repository for all things opensource in the hopes that it will help expand the open hardware community.​

    OpenBuilds.com was developed from a need we found in the open hardware community. Since the latest boom in 3D printing revolution there have been a lot of sites that allow the sharing of designs files for 3D models but none that really focused on the sharing of the hardware used to make these designs. ex. 3D printer - CNC mills - lasers cutters etc... OpenBuilds.com was born.​

    We realize that this is a new concept as an open hardware sharing site so expect bumps and tweaks along the way. We ask that you send in your feedback post your builds and let's all grow together into the largest open hardware sharing site on the planet!​

    Thank you all
    OpenBuilds team

    How to use OpenBuilds.com

    Where am I?
    • For search, your user page, or the menu, use the icon [​IMG] buttons at the upper right.
    • Any topic title will take you to the next unread post. Use the last activity time and post count to enter at the top or bottom.
    • While reading a topic, jump to the top ↑ by selecting the topic title. Select the green progress bar at the bottom right for full navigation controls, or use the HOME and END keys.
    • Also you can use the up arrow icon [​IMG] that shows up (bottom right) when you start to scroll down a page.
    How do I share a Build?

    Simply click on the [​IMG] button at the top right of the page.
    Fill out the form and share away. The Body section is the main part of the build so make it look nice :)
    All of your Build information that is entered into the form, will create a nice neat Build page with tabs across the top for the Build information and files. This makes it easy for Builders view your builds and gather the necessary files and information.

    Once you post your Build you can edit it using the [​IMG]from the main page of your build.
    Click on the section you wish to edit and be sure to submit the updates/changes made to your Build so that everyone will see the changes.


    You can also preview your build before submitting it to make sure it looks great[​IMG]

    Thats it! Now you can edit your build to make updates and changes when you like, just remember to submit it so that the change takes place live.
    Hint: You can change your main Build picture when you make changes to gain Builders attention letting them know there is activity on your build and to keep it fresh!

    How do I start posting?
    • To start a new topic use the [​IMG] at the top right of the page.
    • When posting, be sure to include a meaningful subject line, a detailed description or your question or issue and images or files which help further illustrate your point.
    • Be aware, the Category you choose could be as important as the subject line itself, be sure to choose the appropriate Category.
    Note that some posting options will only become unlocked as your trust level increases. Be sure your use the Search box to look for answers and browse through other posts to get a feel for the community before you start posting.

    How do I reply?
    • To reply to the overall topic, use the Reply box at the very bottom of the page.
    • You can also use the Upload a File button at the bottom of the reply window

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    • For standard Emoji, just start typing : or the traditional smileys :)

    • To quote someone in your reply, click the Reply text to the right of the post.

    What else can I do?
    There are actions at the right of each post. [​IMG]

      • By clicking on the number you can bring up ways to share the post.
      • You can also Click the like to follow the thread (without the need to reply)
      • Click on the Reply to add the current posts quoted reply to your reply.
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    Don't worry about missing a reply – you'll be emailed direct replies (and private messages) if you aren't online when they arrive.

    When are conversations new?
    By default all conversations less than two days old are considered new, and any conversation you've participated in (replied to, created, or read for an extended period) will automatically be tracked.

    To change how you track topics, or the definition of new, see you user preferences.

    Why can't I do certain things?
    New users are somewhat limited for safety reasons. As you participate here, you'll gain the trust of the community, become a full citizen, and those limitations will automatically be removed. At a high enough trust level, you'll gain even more abilities to help us manage our community together.

    We believe in civilized community behavior at all times.

    We look forward to sharing awesome Builds together
    Enjoy your stay!

    OpenBuilds Team
    #1 Mark Carew, Aug 5, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2015
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