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The best of both worlds, Idex and Tool Changer... A crazy idea?

Discussion in 'Concepts and Ideas' started by Lustick, Apr 5, 2022.

  1. Lustick

    Lustick New

    Apr 4, 2022
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    Hello everyone,

    I am looking for a simple solution, not too expensive, to be able to print 2 materials.

    I would like to share an idea with you and I would like your opinion on the principle. I searched the web and couldn't find anything similar.

    I did a lot of research between Idex and Tool Changer, and different kinematics. The perfect world does not exist, each with its own constraints.

    Here's what came out of it:
    -The Tool Changer requires very precise aluminum mechanics for the positioning and repeatability of the tool change (E3D)
    -The Cartesian Idex is precise but does not allow high printing speeds due to the weight.
    -The Idex Hbot, only 2 belts, 4 steppers, looks elegant for control and print speed but requires robust mechanics to overcome racking.
    -The Idex in CoreXY 4 belts 4 steppers, seems quite complicated for the tension of the belts and to be able to synchronize the 4 motors.
    -The Markforged idex is better than the Hbot for racking but worse than the CoreXY.

    I come to my idea which is between the Idex and the Tool Changer. An Idex Change...

    Both extruders are on a rail independent of the trainer carriage. At the front.

    X Axis 1.png

    The yellow carriage at the back is driven by only 2 belts, 2 steppers, like an CoreXY (Good for erase Racking)
    X Axis 2.png
    A link mechanism on the yellow carriage (not yet studied) catches an extruder, while the other waits on one side (dock).
    When you have to take the other extruder, the yellow trolley puts the extruder in its dock and goes to get the other one.
    The mechanics are simpler and approach a Tool Changer, but simpler because there is only one degree of freedom to operate, translation in X.

    Can you tell me if this kind of idea has already been made or abandoned, and let me know your feelings

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