Hi everyone. I just ordered a C-Beam XL bundle with the stepper motors to replace my old, warped and much modified Probotix V90 Fireball. After three moves around the world and several controller updates it is finished. The moisture in my garage here has also done a number on the MDF. Unfortunately the CNC xPRO controller is out of stock so I am contemplating keeping my Planet CNC USB Mk2/4 card especially as I really like the CNC USB software that I purchased to run it. The problem I have is that I only have the three ProbostepVX stepper drivers for it from the original V90. If someone has one or two ProbostepVX drivers laying around they would like to get rid of, problem solved! If not, can someone recommend a suitable controller/driver for 4-axis and a rotary? I would like to maintain the CNC USB software or find a free alternative that provides WYSIWYG interface. Thanks and I look forward to posting on my progress once the kit arrives and I know I'll be reaching out for help when I begin milling.
Hey Warren, Welcome to the forums. It's late for me, but from what I read I take it that you already have three 3amp outboard drivers and a 4 axis usb controller with software that you own and are familiar with and you have considered replacing all of it with an xpro. In my opinion as of writing this; If you're going to scrap the v90 for a cbxl then I think you went off track somewhere considering the electronics. The Xpro isn't necessary and hardly anything to brag about. It gets people going though. It sounds to me like you just need a couple more drivers like the DQ542MA's in the store and to maybe double check on what steppers you have. btw, you can pull step and direction from one axis output and send them to two drivers. Joe
Thanks Joe. Appreciate you taking the time to set me straight. Don't take the fact I've owned a CNC to mean I know what I'm doing! If I understand you correctly, I can just buy two of the DQ542MAs giving me a total of four drivers and I'm good to go? They don't need to match? I thought of just buying four of them but the cost was more than the Xpro that is why I was looking at it. Truth be told I like my current card and software! As for pulling the step and output from one axis to two drivers I imagine that would benefit the dual steppers on the one CBXL axis? That then leaves the fourth axis for a rotary (down the road)? I may be in business cheaper than I thought!
Hi Warren, If you're adding the rotary later you could get away with 1 DQ542MA for the time being. I'd put it on the x or z axis. Since your control card is four axis you wouldn't have to do anything fancy with the wiring at first to get the 3 axis machine up and running. You just slave one of the two Y drivers and tell the card which is the slave driver. You may want to look into your power supplys voltage and current capacity and compare those with your drivers voltages and your motors current ratings. Power supply current should be minimum 2/3 total stepper motor current. The DQ542MA needs 18-50vdc. The more the better, but don't exceed the other drivers on their voltages. Joe
Thanks Joe. Good advice. I was contemplating getting a 24V power supply for the form factor that I can just mount to the gantry. I have 40V power supply that came with V90 though so I may just stick with that.