Hello Everyone, I am awaiting parts to start building my Ox router. I was wondering about the routers measurements. The Pulleys and belts are metric pitch. the control software will have all the data input in metric. so does this mean when I draw a part in a cad program or create the tool path in a cad program I have to choose millimeters or can I select inches? I think the answer is no but I thought I would ask. Regards Charlie
Hi Charlie, It depends on the machine control software you are using. For example, many software's such as Mach3 have the G20 / G21 commands which will allow CAD/CAM generated Gode in Imperial or Metric measurements to be used in a seamless fashion. I generally work in Metric units but for printed circuit work it is currently easier for me to work in Imperial units - as long as the appropriate G20 / G21 is in the Gcode my machine always gets it right. Tweakie.