Am building a 1000x1500 machine, using the mechanical kit- Ox CNC Mechanical Kit - Large - Maker Store USA I didn't care for the way the belts are held in place, so decided to fix it. I mounted small L brackets on the extrusion ends, in line with them, then used two metal strips on the top and bottom of that, with the belt between the top strip and the bracket. Bolts on the ends of the strips squeeze it together. <Will post a picture tomorrow> When I tested the Y axis movement all I get now are short movements, maybe 1/2" and then it binds. Have no idea why what I did should cause this. Any ideas out there? Thanx, Alan
Turns out it was not the belts but the motor wiring. I forgot that during that time I also decided to put my Y motors on a single controller and us the 4th one for a backup. Now, somehow those motors are spinning the correct direction but evidently coils are opposing each other. I can't think of anything else that it could be. Anyone know of a drawing for paralleling these 8 wire motors, with the reversing of one for Y? Thanx, Alan
if the wires on each motor are red + blue and yellow + green (each pair for a coil) then to get the 2 motors to run together connect motor1 and motor 2, red to red and blue to blue for the one coil for the other motor1 yellow to motor2 green motor 1 green to motor2 yellow. In general, to reverse a stepper motor you only have to reverse the wires on one of the coils. Any one.