I wanted to get some practical opinions on the differences between OpenRail and other products for similar purpose. I like the simplicity and off the shelf nature of the open rail system, and it looks like Misumi has an interesting product BJKSG20-310 ($45). It seems a little harder to easily acquire the HiWin or TKO variety (I prefer simple 'add to cart' shops) and I am not terribly interested in cheaper chinese brands of dubious quality (although quite interested in chinese brands of superior quality). I also like the idea of some IGUS solutions. So I am in the middle of designing a printer in the prusa i3 general layout - raising X axis and bed on Y. I want to consider a number of movement options. I do not have an engineering background, although I did two years of EE. What are some of the considerations present with these sorts of products and on what basis would certain solution be better or worst?