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Noob Questions.....New Guy Here......

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by CnC Joe, Aug 1, 2014.

  1. CnC Joe

    CnC Joe New

    Aug 1, 2014
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    Hello all, I'm Joe.

    I am looking to build my first CnC machine to mill small aluminum parts.

    I have a few questions. I am computer literate to a point. I have no programming skills.

    1. What would be the easiest CnC software to get started with? The most consumer friendly?

    2. I am looking to keep my costs down, can I use my windows HP laptop running XP? It is an older machine and it runs CPU T2500@ 2.00Ghz 2gb of ram?

    3. What is a good size to start with? I was thinking of a 3'X3' size machine.

    4. Where can I buy V-Slot extruded aluminum in 1 meter lengths in the USA?

    5. Where can I buy 8mm Metric Lead Screw / ACME in lengths greater than 1 meter in the USA?

    5. Does anyone have any updates to the parts list that might be any improvements in components?

    Parts list
    Qty Part Name Comments

    1 Nema 17 Stepper Motor This is the stepper for the Z axis

    3 Nema 23 Stepper Motors These are the steppers for the X and Y axis

    1 V-Slot 20x80mm (1500) Cut in half (750) Sides

    1 V-Slot 20x40mm (1500) Center Table support (710) Back Brace (500) Z axis (180)

    1 V-Slot 20x40mm (1000) Cut in half (500) Front and Back table support

    1 V-Slot 20x60mm (1000) Cut in half (500) For the X axis beam (sandwiched together)

    28 Xtreme Solid V Wheel Kits

    8 Cast - 90 Degree Corner Bracket Used as braces from OX plates to V-Slot X axis beam

    4 5 Hole 90 Degree Joining Plate Used to hold all four corners of machine together

    4 Universal L Brackets (Double) These are used on the center 20x40 table support

    3 Aluminum Spacers (1-1/2 inch) These are for the Z axis nema 17 stepper to space it from the threaded rod plate

    40 Precision Shim - 10x5x1mm Used on all solid wheel spacing. Check model and video - X axis has two being used for spacing

    13 Eccentric Spacers Check model and video for proper placement and use of these spacers

    2 Threaded Rod Plate For Z axis

    1 5mm x 8mm Flexible Coupling For Z axis

    1 8mm Threaded Rod 8 inch Length - For Z axis

    2 Lock Collar (8mm) For Z axis lead screw

    2 Bearing ID 8mm For Z axis

    7 GT3 Timing Belt -a.k.a. GT2 (3mm) For belt driven axis X and Y (may want to get a little extra in case you need it)

    4 Socket Head Cap Screw M5 - 65mm For Y gantry double plate wheels

    4 OX Plates Check Files tab for DXF plate files to have cut

    1 Acme Nut Block 8mm For Z axis

    3 GT3 Timing Pulley - 20 tooth - 1/4 Inch Bore For Nema 23 Belt and Pinion drives on X and Y Axis

    1 3 Axis Driver Board You can also use other driver boards of your choice, check the threads to see what others are using.

    2 Low Profile Screws - M5x15mm / 25 Pcs

    2 Low Profile Screws - M5x30mm / 10 Pcs

    1 Low Profile Screws - M5x 45mm / 10 Pcs

    2 Low Profile Screws - M5 x 8mm / 25 Pcs

    4 M3 Cap Head Screws - M3x45mm Z axis stepper screws

    12 Nylon Insert Hex Locknut 5mm For 90 corner bracket to plate and for 65mm screws

    24 Tee Nuts - 25 Pcs 25-pack/ 1 pack

    12 Aluminum Spacers - 1/8th inch These are used to space the stepper motors from the plates

    1 12V/30A Power Supply To power the driver board (No wire kit). Could also use 24V power supply.

    1 Wire Block For Y axis combined motors

    1 40x40mm x 10 12v Cooling fan For cooling the driver board

    1 AC Power Cable with Bare End For the power supply

    5 Power cable 2 conductor 16 gauge power cable to power the driver board from the power supply (Need 5 feet, may want 6 feet to be safe)

    2 Spacer Block (V-Slot) Used to space the Z axis wheels

    I guess that I would have to adjust my table dimensions accordingly to get to the 1 meter size. or should I just stick to the plan for now?

    Any help would be appreciated as well as any in progress or completed build pictures.

    All the best

  2. Andy Crouch


    Aug 11, 2014
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    Hi Joe,
    New here too. I will be following the build for the Ox.
    On the subject of the software, if you download the open source software via the links, you can try it out on your machine i did this before ordering anything it all runs up fine.
    Of course its always good to backup before changing the installation just in case.
    your machine sound similar in spec to my pc although i'm running 8 now. I would test it and see, I don't think these programs are power hungry at all. Andy.

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