Is there anybody on this forum that would be willing to become my mentor on the Openbuils Router/ Stretchup Software. I need someone that has the experience with these items to field questions on the subject and assistnce me to understand that I don't understand. The area that I need the most help with, is Stretchup Software and the Importing and exporting of files. I've viewed all of the toturials that I can find and learned a lot. However, I'm not sure I'm learning the things required to drive the Openbuilds Router. I think you can determine what my needs are. I will be looking to hearing from anybody that would be willing to assist. Thanks
I believe every possible question has already been answered at where the SketchUcam software originated. Maybe you can do a search there before asking questions. and, simply asking 'everyone' is better than putting all the load on one person (-:
Is their a Skritchup file available for the OX PlATES AND OTHER PLATES that I could downloat and then inport into my Windows Computer. runnung with the vista operating system. I have tried several things, but keep running intp road blocks, because I havn't upgraded to the new 8. 0 operating system. I don't have a problem updating, but I want to insure I can generate drawing for a cnc Router, before foing so. Please help!
yes, look in the 'files' section for the original Ox build for the recently updated drawings. in the zip file are drawings for V7 V8 and V2014 I am sure you can find Sketchup8 to download somewhere on the web (check the resources on this site), that will work on any version of Windows AFAIK.