I need some help please! I have a ‘kit’ build that I’m at the software portion of. I’m trying to set the motors and I’m having issues with the pulse and direction going back to zero. I had a demo version of Mach and everything seemed to run just fine after lots of tweaking. I got the license about 10 days ago and it wiped out my settings. I tried to set everything as I could remember. I put numbers in the pulse and direction boxes. When I close out the motor tuning window and reopen it, both are back at 0. I’ve moved the sliders and saved settings but it’s not working. Please help!! What am I missing?? UC100 Mach3 NEMA 23 C10 BOB 4axis
Isn't there a 'save' button that you have to press before closing the windows? It's been a looong time since I last did it so I don't recall 100% but that's what I seem to remember.
Yes you have to move the sliders and save it. I’ve gone through everything for days now. I’m sure I’m just missing a check mark somewhere. I had the demo Mach working pretty well and my settings got wiped out when I upgraded.