Hi, I just installed on the SketchUp 2017 for Mac OSX Sierra. The modifier keys don't seem to be working properly on Mac (and I can't even find "CTRL" or "End"). ie. for the HOLE tool, if I hold HOME down when clicking, I don't get the dialog box that asks me for the hole size. for the PocketTool, SHIFT doesn't change the direction of the pattern. etc. Is there documentation on the modifiers substitutions used on the Mac version? Thanks!
I am told that there are key combinations for HOME and END but I don't know what they are. Google for a mac specific forum to answer that, then post the answer here and I will add it to the help. Shift inserts only the zigzag, you have to move the mouse to make it redraw. Ctrl inserts only the outline. End changes the zigzag direction. For all of them you have to move the mouse to force the redraw. I did borrow a MacBook today and solved a mac problem with tool profile saving. Now in testing but I will probably do a new release on Sunday.
Thanks! I can't believe that I've never known this . Just tried it out. On Mac, "FN-LEFT ARROW" = HOME, and "FN-RIGHT ARROW"=END, OPTION=ALT. for some reason, it's a little finicky...I sometimes had to hit the FN-LEFT twice before the dialog came up. But it eventually works. Great software. Thanks so much!
On my Mac the left shift key does nothing in Schetchucam The right shift key however works perfectly.