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Looking for someone to help buy multiple lead screws for 3D printer

Discussion in 'Share Parts' started by kylem, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. kylem

    kylem New

    Dec 31, 2014
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    I am designing a 3D printer with a 500 mm z axis and wanted to see if anyone wanted to also purchase leadscrews for the zaxis. I have received quotes from a few places and Ametek has the best price at 89 dollars per leadscrew assembly with an anti backlash nut but they want a 250 dollar minimum order. So I need someone else to order two of these with me and we can see if they can drop ship the two or more to individuals or not.

    I have the specs for the leadscrew if needed. It basically is a 6mm OD single start right hand thread ACME lead screw with a 0.64mm lead. Looking to get some higher resolution layer height than most printers currently offer.

    Private message me if you are interested.

    Thanks for your time and help,
  2. Mooselake

    Mooselake New

    Dec 4, 2013
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    Have you thought about just using multi start 8mm trapezoidal rod, like the one in the openbuilds store?

    I'm using it on my Printrbot Plus; 400 steps/mm is a lot finer than I'll ever need. Just my opinion, but with 3200 steps/revolution using the common 16x multistepping and 200 step/rev motors, you don't need a pitch anywhere that fine. It's a recent upgrade from allthread so I haven't pushed it's limits, but 0.1mm layers aren't any problem (that's 40 steps/layer) and I expect to be able to go a lot thinner. It's conservatively made a 4x improvement in Z speed, if you think that matters.

    Don't know how you feel about Chinese parts, but have you tried aliexpress for T6?

  3. kylem

    kylem New

    Dec 31, 2014
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    Thanks for your comments. I am looking to print finer than 0.1mm layer heights so that is why I am purchasing the finer lead screws. I want to experiment and see how much detail I can get in a model with a 0.25 mm layer height or smaller, I know the print time for now will be long but I wanted to see what is possible, and for some projects I have I am looking for finer detail resolution in the z axis.

    Just looking to see if anyone else would be interested in buying them with me, but I have already ordered 3 so I have one available for about 90 dollars if someone is looking to replace there printrbot plus or other printer that used one leadscrew.

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