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Issue with CNC xPro v3

Discussion in 'Controller Boards' started by DBud, Jul 22, 2017.

  1. DBud

    DBud New

    May 19, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Hello everyone, I've been trying to make my cnc work over the past few days and I got to the point where I was able to jog the machine in grbl. So at that point everything was working and I decided to mess with the grbl settings to see if I can customize them to fit my machine the best. So, I tinkered with that and affixed my router to the cnc and suddenly none of my steppers wanted to turn. I thought this was due to the current being too low for each one so I turned them up. This still didn't solve my problem. I then turned to my grbl settings. No matter what I changed I could not get it to work again.

    Fast forward to this morning, the cnc xPro v3 does not even power the steppers anymore. I have not done anything since the previous night yet now it just doesn't want to power my steppers. I get the led lights that tell me that the board is receiving power from my power supply and from the usb port. I also tried to turn the current for each stepper to the minimum and still nothing is even powered by the board, any ideas on what happened? I attached a picture of my board and my grbl settings if that helps. The grbl settings likely make no sense anymore because I have been trying everything I possibly can so those probably won't be an indicator of anything but I figured I'd include them anyways. Thanks in advance!

    Also, before anyone asks I am confident that my wiring is correct despite the presence of only 2 colors of wire haha! I had the machine jogging and moving in all the correct directions before I started tinkering with settings and attaching my router.
    20170722_111716.jpg 20170722_111756.jpg
  2. JWP

    JWP New

    Jun 18, 2017
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    Try $4=1
    DBud likes this.
  3. DBud

    DBud New

    May 19, 2017
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    Thanks! That worked! Now I just have a problem setting up my limit switches. I keep trying to home the machine and it moves like 10 mm down on the z axis then grbl tells me to "check homing switches" or something along those lines. Also i tried jogging the machine and then pressing the switches myself as the cnc is moving, still nothing. Any ideas?
  4. Twenty7designs


    Jul 3, 2017
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    right there with ya, I'm not even sure if I have my wired right or not. what software are you using, mine doesn't even say whether or not it does recognize the switches. And my settings are jacked. something with about 4x5" is trying to travel 10" I'm gonna try copying yours, do you have the GT3 belt or using lead screw?

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