Hi! So I just bought two Genuine Protoneer CNC Shield v3.51 and realized that might not be the correct Controller for my prototype. I'm controlling 3 steppers for motion in my robot and I also wanna control two servos. My understanding is that grbl 1.1 can control servos through M03/M05 commands but the shield I bought doesn't have any extra PWM signals expect perhaps for the spindle motor output. What controlled should I buy? Links and pics: Controller: Genuine Protoneer CNC Shield v3.51 for Arduino Engraver CNC GRBL 1.1 Servos: SG90 Luxorparts SG90 Micro-servo - Arduino-tillbehör Robot MK14:
Grbl doesn't have that built in, but, since this not really a CNC, you don't need Grbl? Create your own Arduino firmware - you can use AccelStepper: AccelStepper library for Arduino for the three steppers and Servo - Arduino Reference for the two servos