I am working on a project and I am getting invalid g-code errors id:33 in UGS. Attached is a screen shot of the error and the G-Code. I have similar functions throughout the program, but cant figure out why these in particular working. It happens when I am trying to engrave the #5 and when I engrave the #6.
So I may have figured out what is wrong. I found that invalid gcode ID: 33 means: The motion command has an invalid target. G2, G3, and G38.2 generates this error. For both probing and arcs traced with the radius definition, the current position cannot be the same as the target. This also errors when the arc is mathematically impossible to trace, where the current position, the target position, and the radius of the arc doesn't define a valid arc. So since the start point is not the same as the end point I did some trouble shooting to check a valid arc. I sketched up the coordinates in my CAD program and realized that my X was off 0.01 for #5 and Y was off 0.01 for #6 in order to get a valid arc. Unfortunately I wont be able to test this new code until this evening but I will report back to see if this fixed my problem.
If that is in millimeters then That is such a small arc I would just convert it to a line segment. G2/G3 commands are very sensitive to errors. I programmed sketchucam to add an extra digit of precision for all arc commands to help with this, and it also converts arcs of small radius to lines.
It is in milimeters. I am trying to design a tag plate engraver so I need to try and keep as much detail as possible since the letters are only 4mm high. If I cannot get it to work, I will have to do a couple of segments
So this was my problem. Everything is working correctly now. A video is below of the operation. I still have to clean up the G-Code for optimal operation but this gives you an idea of what I am trying to do.