How many V-Plate I can use in one rail guide with belt pinion. I attached a video with my project idea.videocompress-034-20170323_220736.mp4 My idea is used 4 stepper motor with encoder for control a individual V-plate.
Idea seems feasible. There functionally is no limit other than still having room to move them around. Double belting them might be a good idea though.
thanks for your attention. Give a example for Double belting system. My application is for packaging a bag with 3 kg of olive. its possible two v Slot plate load 3 kg in vertical position ? the center of bag it's 100 mm way of the plate.
Double belting is simply gluing an additional belt in the track where the teeth interlock with the teeth of the main belt. This helps reduce stretch on the main belt and helps reduce positional errors. The system is described several times throughout the Ox CNC build and is also detailed in this video.