Using PlanetCNC MK3/4 controller, 'CNC USB Controller' software. So I've got a tool that has to extend a measurement probe out to a cotton bale to take a reading, then retract, then raise, then take another reading, ... Here's an earlier prototype video to give you a better idea if that makes no sense You can see I have that measurement probe and a limit switch mocked up that would trigger when it comes in contact with the bale. So,what I need is extend X til you hit a limit switch, wait a second for the probe to take the measurement, move to the next line/layer (retract X, raise Y), rinse/repeat 4x then return home and await next start command. Right now the closest I can get to that is pauses, but after the pause ends it would just keep extending forward instead of moving to the next line (retract), I suppose obviously pauses aren't what I'm looking for Thank you for helping with this.