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Grbl error no: 0

Discussion in 'Interfaces' started by jda70az, Nov 5, 2023.

  1. jda70az

    jda70az Well-Known

    Nov 11, 2020
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    Started having problems yesterday.
    Running a facing operation to flatten some wood and it keeps stopping randomly.

    I can run the machine with the router off w/no bit and it completes the job.
    I can run the machine with the router ON / no bit and it completes the job
    When I run the machine with a surfacing bit actually removing wood it stops randomly.
    I use ferrite cores on all my wires. I'm not running a Vacuum
    I have never heard of Grbl Error 0 I don't see it here.
    Grbl v1.1 Interface

    What is going on here?

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  2. jda70az

    jda70az Well-Known

    Nov 11, 2020
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    Figured it out

    It's a damaged molex on the end of a AUX cord from Interface to Black Box.
    I must of messed it up at some point screwing around.

    Anyways...the molex on the end has 4 openings with 4 little tabs and one was damaged.
    It is working now.

    Time to buy a back up cord.
    Giarc and David the swarfer like this.

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