Hi All - I've found both the drawing and CAD of the 30T GT2 pulley but both lack the actual grooves. Does anyone know or have the dims for these? I found a 26T model on GrabCad and have used that for prelim dims in my model but would like verification that they are correct! https://grabcad.com/library/26-tooth-gt2-pulley-1 Thanks! Jason
Hi Jason, please find attached two dwg files containing each a 3d drawing of a gt2 pulley with the teeth, as you requested. The difference between them is in the no. of teeth and the bore diameter. I got these pulleys from sdp-si.com, they have lots of drawings for lots of pulleys, not just gt2. Hope it helps.
a quick update regarding the two files above: the 3d pulleys are blocks, they can be used as such or they can be exploded to 3d objects. the files are in autocad 2013 format.
and for those who like to build their own 3d solids, here is a tooth sections table for some of the major standards in use today.