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Customize Surface wizard?

Discussion in 'Control Software' started by Thomas Lamourine, Jun 26, 2021.

  1. Thomas Lamourine


    May 6, 2017
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    OK, there are ways of doing this in external software I know, and have been doing, but It would be "nice" if there was a script or the surfacing wizard was editable?

    So here's the thing, I have some wicked 100yr old Oak flooring boards we tore up like 10 yrs ago from my brothers attic. he saved them and just gave them to me this month. Issue is they are twisted and friggin hard as a rock, which is killing my little Dewalt planer blades, along with the occasional nail here and there I miss.

    SO I've taken a few board and mounted on the CNC after cutting to length. and shim and pin them in place then run the surfacing wizard to get one face flat and help get rid of the twisting/cupping. Thing is it goes side to side (X) and I think it might be better and faster to go front to back (Y) as I run them length wise do to getting the bit extra workable length. Probably easy for some to use external software but the lap top is VERY old I'm using on the CNC and my real computer is in the house.. back and forth.. back and forth. uggg.
    So is there an easy way to get the wizard to do Y moves instead of X moves? Stupid simple script someone has written I've missed that would allow me to just enter width and length and click run?

  2. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    Sketchup 8 with SketchUcam plugin
    Sketchup 8 will run on just about anything and using it you can generate a 'pocket' operation, with or without a border cut, in either X or Y direction, or even ANY angle with just a little fiddling with the drawing.
    SketchUcam generates the Gcode direct from Sketchup.

    Release SketchUcam V1.5a · swarfer/sketchucam
    Thomas Lamourine likes this.
  3. Thomas Lamourine


    May 6, 2017
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    Yay, again, i can do it in other programs. Just be nice to run right in openbuild control.
  4. sharmstr

    sharmstr OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 23, 2018
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  5. Thomas Lamourine


    May 6, 2017
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    Yaaayy.. no… i can build mechanisms all day long, look at a structure and generally tell you if itll work, and tell you what issues it might have with a glance,..but, computer code wisardry is just not my thing.. lol

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