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C-Beam XL setup troubles

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by Blackhawk_Boys, Jun 23, 2018.

  1. Blackhawk_Boys


    Nov 24, 2017
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    I just finished building the C-Beam XL machine...it was a great experience. Nice job on the bundle and build descriptions. Moving on to the electronics setup and tining is where we started to run into problems.
    DQ542MA drivers, Nema23 high torque motors, Xpro v3 controller, meanwell power supply 24v, all parts from Openbuilds...etc

    I've made it past the initial setup issues on my own, but now I'm stuck and need the help of experts.

    One of the y axis motors isn't consistently turning at the same rate as its counterpart motor on the Y axis. Initially I though it was due to the two y gantry rails not being parallel to each other and causing a bind as it traveled. I verified the rails are in fact parallel and even with the table taken off the 2 y axis gantry plates, the gantry plates will occasionally travel different distance. Sometimes they travel the exact distance in sync, other times they don't. Does this problem give any of you out there an idea as to where I should start the troubleshooting?
    #1 Blackhawk_Boys, Jun 23, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2018
  2. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Hello @Blackhawk_Boys great job on your build so far!
    You have come to the right community to get help to you up and running.
    The guys here are lots of guys here are awesome at CNC and we all have gone though the startup troubles so we know where you are.
    Lets start with the micro steps dip switches and make sure they are all set to the the same.
    Also make sure to look over @Kyo excellent DQ542MA wiring resource, if you haven't so far, as they will be a great help with your set up.

    If anyone has any ideas please jump in and lets see if we can get Blackhawk up and running
    Kyo likes this.
  3. GrayUK

    GrayUK Openbuilds Team Elder
    Staff Member Moderator Builder

    May 5, 2014
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    Although it is most likely to be the Microstep settings, you could always use the process of elimination, and change one of the Y axis motors for the X axis motor and see what happens.
    Before doing so, maybe do a distance test on the X motor, say for 200mm, and mark the result on your baseboard, then do the same with one or both of the Y motors to see if one is significantly different.
    Kyo likes this.
  4. Kyo

    Kyo Veteran
    Staff Member Builder Resident Builder

    Feb 27, 2014
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    I agree it sounds like miss matched micro step settings. Easy to check and fix :thumbsup:

    > On both Y-axis stepper drivers make sure they have the same micro step dip switch settings.
    > Confirm correct Steps / mm setting in software.
    > Even after the maths have been calculated for steps/mm, you will also need to calibrate the machine to get the true number for accuracy.

    I would also double check all wiring / solder joints ect. I once had a similar issue on my laser engraver where the two y-axis motors randomly lost synchronization, turned out one of the motor wires was loosing connection at a particular part of the y-axis travel. Fixing the wiring corrected the issue. While your at it, check to see if one of the y-axis nut blocks / leadscrews runs tighter then the other along with the coupler set screws to make sure they are not slipping.
  5. Blackhawk_Boys


    Nov 24, 2017
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    Thanks for the input so far. I've been busy at work and didn't get a chance to respond until now. I will verify again that all the drivers dip switches are correct and match each other. Next step will be the motor swap idea to see if it follows one specific motor. If not, then I will look into the wiring idea.
    All great ideas....thanks.

    I will let you know what I find out later today.
  6. Blackhawk_Boys


    Nov 24, 2017
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    Well, here’s what I have found with the suggested troubleshooting.

    All the dip switches are correct and matchup between drivers
    All physical wiring connections are good.
    Here’s where it gets interesting and puzzling to me. I have all my stepper motors wired to their own individual quick disconnect style plug that I use to “ plug in” to the wood box that houses all the electronics. y-left motor and y-right motor started off plugged into y-left driver, y-right driver respectively —- the y-right gantry was moving inconsistently. now for testing the y-left motor is plugged into y-right driver and y-right motor is plugged into y-left driver. Now the y-left gantry is moving inconsistently. Inconsistently meaning - if I use UGS to jog the y axis, both y gantry’s move the same amount and in sync. If I send a basic circle G-code command string, the y-gantry’s end up moving different distances and when the string is done and the machine should be back at the zero point, y-right gantry is in the perfect spot, but the y-left gantry is off by 3/16”. If I swapped the connectors back to the original y-left to y-left, y-right to r-right, the problem then switches to the y-right gantry. It doesn’t appear as of yet to happen during jogging commands. Only during program commands or homing,etc.
    What do you think?

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