Hi guys If anybody has experience, how does C beam plate CNC compares to classic 3040 CNC you can find on eBay? I'm interested in particular into mechanical aspect of the machines (sturdiness, precision and similar). Why I'm asking? Well, I'm from Europe and cheapest option to get C beam CNC costs around 600 EUR ($720). For $500 I can get CNC3040 from UK, so I'm bit in the dilemma which path to take. Therefore, I'm trying to figure out (dis)advantages of both as price difference is not negligible. Thx. Ivan
I'm not considering the spindle as I'm planning to use 1 kw Kress spindle and not what chinese are offering. And btw I'm trying to compare with c beam plate maker, not ox, in sense of rigidity, stability and precision of mechanics. Ivan
With the 3040? Who knows really not the right forum for this question, personally I can't see you will gain anything with a bigger spindle, bigger spindle requires more rigidity, optimal chip size remains the same. Depth of cut is improved with a larger spindle if the rigidity is capable of it so the likelihood you won't see much of an improve there so it would need to have a descent feedrate. Have no idea of the federates the 3040 is capable of so can't answer your question only that it's mainly advertised as an engraving machine which to me says its most likely quite light weight.