okay i just started this project i have a few questions .... i am building a 2020 frame with dual yaxis stepper motors and a single x axis stepper how am i to connect 2 y axis steppers to the ramps 1.4 ? also what firmware is best for this? i currently have the newest build of skynet installed on my board. and will the z axis endstop cause me a fit not being installed ? thanks
also for now im using a 500mw blue diode laser will update to a 5w later it has a external driver with ttl
ok i have a problem i have solved my dual y axis problem i believe but my steppers will not move just make noise ive tried to switch the wiring around for my steppers still no change ?? sorta of a click/hum
If your stepper will not move but just make a hum you may want to check the amps setting. It may be too low.
I have tried turning them up and down and switching the wires .They wont even move with no load on them could it be a setting with my marlin firmware ?
well i killed my board waiting for replacement ..... im starting from scratch new board new firmware new drivers and if that dont work new power supply im using 5amp 12v psu currently do i need more than 5 amp to frive 3 stepper motors?
On my 3d printer, which is similar in construction, I use a computer power supply rated at 360W which is about 30A. Take away the extruder heater and you are still left with more than 10A.
ok i got some wire organizing to do everything seems to function but!!!!!! i have no clue on hot to use the lasr setting in marlin my laser pin is set to 44 for ttl i have my laser wired up but it does not seem to turn on/off?
I reassembled yesterday my 3d printer after is was in storage for months. It uses the RAMPS 1.4 board. When I finished none of the axes would home. Turned out I connected the limit switches in the wrong place. On the board there are six locations for the limit switches, two for each axis. I had put the connectors on the location for each axis rather than the first. When I changed it to the first it homed. Can it be that your y axis limit switch is also in the wrong location?
i figured it out when i used the option to lighten the firmware up it did something to my firmware i rebuilt the firmware from scratch all works now